Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Transitions are in the air!

We got to have 3 Thanksgivings this year! Yeah, not complaining! We celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving in Idaho, one pre-thanksgiving with Alex's grandparents in Utah, and American Thanksgiving in Canada! Sounds backwards but it was all fun!

We were able to go visit Alex's grandparents in Utah for a weekend. They were missing Jade quite a bit and we didn't know when we would se them next, so off we went to Utah. 

Then we went to Canada for American Thanksgiving. We were able to get together with my sister Brittany, her husband Jason, her little "grill", Autumn, my grandma and grandpa Hill and my parents! We had a great feast and saw two GREST MOVIES! Like seriously, my favourite movies of the year. We saw Catching Fire and Frozen. Both gave me chills they were so good. I forgot to mention we went out with my high school best friend, Stephie!! We met her Fiance, Kieth for the first time. I went in thinking no one is good enough for my Stephie but turns out...he is a great guy and a perfect match for her. I can't wait to help her wedding plan and hang out with them starting in January! We went to a disappointing Tiger's hockey game....yes that means we lost! Since we are ranked first, I was hoping for a good game of fights and domination.

We went to Island Park with some good friends to celebrate Cathryn's 25th Birthday! We stayed at a beautiful cabin! It was so fun. Lindsay and I made this two layer, funfetti cake! We were so proud!

Alex wrote his LSAT!!!! He is so excited it is over and so am I!!! I have my husband back!!!! Thank you for all who kept him in your prayers and even fasted for him! We felt the support! That night we had friends over to celebrate and eat a snickers, brownie, ice-cream cake! That combination is deadly!

For "fun" I took several sections of the LSAT and grew A LOT of sympathy for my sweet husband. That test is exhausting!

Of course an update on my crafting:

I made a tree skirt for under 10 dollars! I bought 4 yards of fabric at 2 dollars a yard! Then put the ruffles on top of a circle shaped table cloth. It was more work than I thought but I love it. And we were given my Grandma Bullock's Christmas tree which is 9 feet tall and has pre lit colour and white lights! Makes me miss my dear Grandmother who has passed on.

George is BACK!

And we found an ugly christmas sweater for Jade at the goodwill....It's a beaut!

It was my Dad's Birthday last week and I put together a video of some moments we shared throughout my years growing up. My internet is awful and wouldn't upload a video as big as I wanted it. So i cut in  half so I could get at least some of it up for him to see. It ends abruptly and weird. Sorry. I love my Dad and I always have. I look up to him in every way. Here is the link to the video....


WE GOT MY PARENT'S CHRISTMAS GIFT TO US IN THE MAIL!!! I can't say what it is because Brittany and Jason hasn't received theirs yet and it is the same thing. BUT let it be known, I am spoiled...and I love it!

We got sick last week which was bad timing right before the LSAT but we allmade it through. Jade was miserable and wouldn't eat much. She started to look skinny! Weird I know! Skinny for her I should say.

My old friend Chris got back from his mission in Boston. I can't wait to see him in January. He is a hoot! 

 Jade Updates:

 -She weighs 20 lbs and 1 oz
-She is now in the 50th percentile for height
-She pants like a dog when you tell her to on command.
-High fives
-Dances (rocks back and forth) when music is on, even in church.
-Has two naps that are an hour and a half to 2 hours.
-Sleep from 7pm to 720 am ish?
-Likes to clap, well when I clap for her :)
-She drinks from her sippy cup.
-She can eat what ever we are eating now
-Sad to say she just started holding her bottle. And not even all the time. She likes to be laaaazy.
-Likes baths but mostly on Sundays when Dad gives her baths.
-Gets up on all fours but hasn't made her first crawl yet.
-Is a mommy's girl...Yet still doesn't play strange with anyone...yet.
-Says Dada on command
-Says mama..but only about once a day

We are excited to celebrate Alex's graduation next weekend! He graduates in Business Finance. Both of our parents are coming! We have so many hands to help us move our things into storage...WOOO!!! Then we are off to Bend Oregon to spend the Christmas Holiday with Alex's family. I can't wait to see how the Stevens do it. It won't feel the same without Katie (who is on a mission in Mississippi) and Tasha and Ben (who are living in Africa)! 

Now I should go pack up my house....