Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Big "surprise"..I'm pregnant again.

I am currently 14 weeks pregnant but I thought I should reminisce about when we first found out about baby #2.

The first Sunday after moving to Michigan I found myself puking at church. I instantly suspected I was pregnant. I did not forget the feeling of pregnancy enough to deny it. I somehow managed to keep my puking inconspicuous because Alex never clued in. I was trying to hide it so I could go home and take a pregnancy test to confirm my suspicions and then tell him in a funny way. I wanted to make up for my spur of the moment "I'm pregnant" text I sent him while he was in class when I found out I was pregnant with Jade. Not exactly a text you see everyday and not cool. Just not. Cool. When we got home from church I quickly took a pregnancy test, took a deep breath, saw two lines, sat on the floor and collected my self. I was so anxious to tell Alex so I quickly wrapped the pregnancy test with a note and stuck it into his guitar hole. He is always shaking things out of his guitar so I knew he wouldn't think anything of it when he found something rattling inside. He was really excited and partially disgusted he was holding a used pregnancy test. But everything aside, we are really excited for this new bundle of sleepless joy!!...and Jade is too :) After experiencing the unbelievable joy Jade has brought us we are so excited to experience it again! Family is everything and the more the merrier! We can't wait until April!