Sunday, March 12, 2017

4 years in the making {Jade turns 4}

Jade Marie how are you 4 years old?! Four years ago, you made me a Mom. A title I hold very dear and sacred. You are just so fiercely fun loving and we are so blessed to have you in our family! This year we have seen you grow so much, not only in size but also maturity.

As your 4th birthday was approaching, your Dad and I sat down and talked about all the wonderful things about you. We are in awe at who you have become and are still becoming. We narrowed down our endless list of beautiful qualities that you possess to our most favorite ones.

1. You are a true friend. Something in you values people and people value you right back. You are drawn to people, laughter, fun and bonding. I want to remind you that this is a very powerful tool that Heavenly Father gave to you to develop and use for good! You see people for the good in them and are kind to everyone around you and this is something our world needs more of. You are constantly reminding me that life is about being happy and enjoying the journey.

2. You are spunky. Spunk bursts out of your every pore. You are hilarious and creative and together it always makes for a good laugh. You like to make people laugh and it isn't hard for you to do.

3. You are resilient. As our oldest child. you have been through the most change and endured all our first time parent mistakes. You have always rolled with the punches and remained your giggly, silly, and smart self. May you always accept change and create success out of the ups and downs of life.

Some funny/cute things I have recorded you saying this year:

"Mom, Leo isn't choosing the right and it makes me sad."

After opening a Christmas present..."It's what I wished for! Thank you!"

"Chocolate isn't healthy for our bodies....but sometimes it is"

"Mom I like cutie oranges because me and Leo are cuties. So it's a match."

While staring at a boy at the park with braces.. "Why does he have a necklace on his teeth?"

"I don't want another brother I want a gihhhhl"

"Leo is my best friend."

"This is how I do"

"Everyday I grow bigger and bigger. Soon i'm gonna be an adult! Adults can drive!"

"Mom say please nicely and I won't cry"

"Mom go in your room and get some rest, i'll watch Leo and make sure he doesn't get dead"

On the way to the hospital because I was having a painful false labour.. "Mom, it's okay. Take a big breathe like this (takes a dramatic big breathe). You aren't going to die. It's gonna be okay."

After giving a homeless women some food and explaining to Jade that she doesn't have a house and sleeps outside.. "Mom, we can build her a house right?"

"Leo you're breaking my heart because you aren't listening to me."

"Mom my crack (a splinter in her toe) healed. Heavenly Father did it."

After telling Jade to not unbuckle her carseat while we are driving because a police officer might see and get us in trouble (Yes I use scare tactics).. "Okay i'll just close my eyes and the police officer won't see me"

"I'm gonna marry Leo in the temple"

"I'm holding Leo's hand like Daddy holds your hand."

"Mom your belly is BIG, I like it."

"My brother that's in your belly kicked me. He needs a time out."

After explaining to Jade that it is raining and so we can't go to the park until the afternoon.. "Mom it's okay i'm not going to cry."

"The baby in your belly is gonna get bigger and bigger and then it's gonna pop! Don't worry, it will only hurt a little bit. Not much."

Some pictures of Jade's magical unicorn ballerina birthday party!

Happy 4th Birthday Jade Marie!