Sunday, October 8, 2017

I am thankful for my husband- Happy Thanksgiving

Back in May Alex graduated law school with a dual JD degree (both Canadian and American) at the University of Windsor and the University of Detroit Mercy. We are all extremely proud of Alex's hard work and accomplishments. Alex never grew up dreaming to one day be a lawyer. He never would have even dreamed of planning out a career that would involve additional years of schooling after his bachelors in finance degree. Alex did however grow up, dreading school, work and any attention coming in his direction. School and work were both just obstacles in his way of playing soccer full time. I still remember a story told by one of his church youth leaders while growing up. Apparently Alex had come to the youth activity and in conversation mentioned that he had got an A on his exam that day. His leader asked him what he did differently on the exam to do so well that time. Alex simply responded, "I studied". When Alex values something and decides to set a goal I'm always confident that he will succeed. Ever since the day Alex and I were sealed in the temple and started our eternal family, I have witnessed a fierce diligence and drive develop in my husband. He started questioning and researching facets in several occupations. He had a major desire to put his career path on lock down. During this time, he eventually shadowed my dad at his law firm. I still remember the day he told me he wanted to study for the LSAT and see if that's something he could pursue and excel at. I tried my very best to remain calm and to push him in neither direction. I just wanted my husband to have sole ownership over his choice in career and educational pursuits so that he could better find joy in his work long term. I supported him while he studied for the LSAT and celebrated with him when he got the exact score he had hoped for. Before I knew it, we were packing our life and heading to Michigan so Alex could start law school. We had two babies in law school which also means two difficult pregnancies and Alex was still able to get the grades he needed to keep his scholarships. We were blessed to get an amazing articling job in Peace River Alberta upon graduation. It feels like a dream to be back in Alberta and we feel confident in our future here. Alex took the US bar exam at the end of the summer and we recently got his score back. He passed! He is officially a lawyer in the US and currently a "baby lawyer" in Canada until he finishes his articling year and makes it official. When I look back on all that has happened for us to be where we are right now, I can't help but see God's hand in every moment along the way. God is real. He loves me more than I deserve. Today and everyday I am grateful for God's plan of happiness. We are here for a reason. That reason is surrounded by His love and grace. May we all keep trying harder everyday to be more like His son and give credit where credit is due. God is in everything good. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!