Monday, May 21, 2018

Wes Gregory is ONE

Wes Gregory has exited the month counting era! My baby is officially one year old today. May of last year was such a crazy one. We up and left our home in Michigan a week after he was born. In the first year of Wes's life he has lived in 3 houses, 3 different cities, travelled to Brazil, Oregon, Alberta and Montana. May 18th 2017 will always be a happy memory for our family. Wes has a very special spirit and brings such peace to our home. He is a go with the flow little dude. He is easy to love and one of my life's personal evidences that God exists and loves me.

Wes updates at 1 year:

-He smiles at everyone (he smiles with his whole face and likes to show off his adorable dimples)

-He shares a similar personality and demeanor with his Daddy. He is as close as you can get to a mini Alex (or so I've been told). They both are the 3rd child, boys, blonde, bald, happy, easy, sweet, funny and FOREVER MINE.

-He does NOT play strange. Quite the contrary in fact.. he wanders away from us without a second thought or worry

-He waves and watching him use all his concentration to do it is simply adorable

-He dances when music plays or when asked

-He shakes his head no (it's done so dramatically and when he gets really into it, his eyes roll around because he starts to get dizzy haha)

-He nods his whole body when you ask him to say yes. He squats and stands to mimic the up and down motion of nodding. We love how he attempts everything whether he does it right or not.

-he babbles dada all day. I don't know why any mom is in a rush for their child to learn to say "mama". I get complete satisfaction anytime my children start their sentence with Dad. I know it sounds absurd, but Dad has legs too. SHOCKER! I know. 

-Roars on command

-He plays peek a boo any chance he gets

-He blows kisses

-His laugh sounds a lot like Jade's did at his age. He doesn't laugh as easily though. I live for his smiles to burst into laughs. Those moments are better than pay cheques (translation: paychecks) folks! He laughs most when you tickle him or pretend to drop him.

-He is a happy boy and doesn't require much to be content with his life.  

-If Wes had a super power it would be easily be the power to sleep like a pro. From the beginning he has been our best sleeper. We are unsure if we are just getting better at this parenting thing or if we should give Wes some credit. It's likely a combination of both factors. As a newborn he would wake up to feed and go right back to sleep. We could always count on him sleeping better and for longer stretches each and every night. He quickly arrived at the glorious "sleeping through the night" status and is the ideal baby of every mama's dreams.  Fun fact: He has slept in a pack n play in our hallway for most of his life.

-Despite being a pro night sleeper, he hardly naps during the day. It's been happening for months and is completely foreign to me because even his older siblings still nap every day. He doesn't behave like he needs a nap which is also crazy to me.

-His bedtime is 7 PM (like his brother and sister)

-His first trick was clapping

-He likes to repeat sounds although most of the time he says Dad no matter what word you throw at him

-He walks with a walker. He has the saddest face when the walker reaches the wall and can't go any further. He will be a walker in the next couple months for sure. Fun stuff ahead!

-He has a signature scrunchy face that we love. Jade has to tell me every time he does it.

-He turns into an escape artist when you try to put clothes on or off of him, or change his diaper. I have to lay my leg on his tummy to successfully pin him down long enough to change his diaper.

-Last summer Wes was just a newborn but watching him explore outside has been fun to watch this year now that he is alert and aware of his surroundings. He beams from ear to ear when he is outside and loves to watch out the window as cars drive by throughout the day.

-He moves cars all around our house and it makes him look like a toddler when he does it.

-This boy has always taken power naps on the floor sporadically every couple of days. It's probably due to the fact that he doesn't nap everyday like a normal baby and it eventually catches up to him every few days. We have plenty of pictures to document this habit.

-He is our blondest and baldest baby yet. An unfortunate combo that is forcing me to learn patience

-He started crawling at 8 1/2 months

-He is smart, observant, determined and that makes him a fast learner. 

-He has a sense of humor and tries to tease and be silly

-He loves and trusts Jade

-He is starting to like Leo and even enjoys the odd wrestling match with him

-He loves baths when we get around to it haha

-He eats anything we give him. Excluding plain eggs. We discovered he is allergic or at least sensitive to plain eggs as of now. We were told eggs sensitivities are common in babies and that they usually grow out of the sensitivity by age 2. We will reintroduce raw eggs to him in a year and see. 

-He now drinks cold homo milk (whole milk for my American people) from a bottle 3 times a day. We are switching his bottle to a sippy cup this week. Wish us luck!

-He has thick blonde lashes

-He has 4 teeth (two up, two down). He seems bothered by the teething process but hasn't been unreasonable.

-He loves to crawl back and forth in our play tunnel

-He likes his carseat and travels like a champion. His whole life, he has been content tagging along majorly from his carseat on our daily adventures catered towards his big brother and sister.

-He has never been a soother (binky) baby but when he finds one at a play date or when we babysit, he is pretty happy with himself.

-He loves balls

-Wes is an explorer and often closes his fingers in drawers

-He is a fast little guy. Especially when you open the baby gate or front door

-Every night at family prayer, he crawls over to us and kneels just like the rest of us. It's so cute. 

-He tolerates cuddles and kisses like a saint

Nicknames from his first year: Wessy, Wessy Dessy, Bubbeeza, Slobber lips, Wesdoly, Gubbers, Ba koopa, Wes Express, Baby Wes doctor