Tuesday, September 25, 2012

16 Weeks!

This week has been so fun. Early this week some of my old roommates, surprised me by coming over...and with FROZEN YOGURT! It was beyond satisfying. Alex had added how good it looked, implying that he wanted some.But before i knew it, my bowl was empty and Alex was one very sad boy.

The next day i decided to splurge on some BLUE yarn. Yes i STILL don't know what gender our baby is but i could't help it. I actually finished a blanket. Looking back i wish i put some white stripes in it too! But for my first project, i was still pretty impressed with myself.

Alex is on a competitive soccer team and also a coed intramural team. I can't wait to go to all his games and cheer him on. He is so fun to watch! His first game was tonight. They won 4-0!!!

Alex had bought us Mormon Tabernacle Choir tickets for this weekend. SO Friday, we headed off to the concert. It was fabulous. The choir was clapping, swaying, and doing all sorts of dance moves. Nothing you would expect from the Mo tab we see at conference. Alex and I thought it was very entertaining.

I was hoping to get a full body picture for those of you who are curious about my belly but the man who took it decided not to i guess.

Saturday, eeeeearly in the morning, we headed to the temple, so Alex could meet his temple to temple team. It's a relay race where teams run from the Rexburg temple,all the way to the Idaho Falls temple. Alex ran the longest leg of 7.4 miles and ran 6:30 miles. He is way too talented for his own good.

We teach the 12-14 year olds sunday school in our ward every week and we are really enjoying it. Our ward is great. Almost everyother lady is pregnant so there is a lot of support :) During relief society this week, the fire alarm went off. It was something i have never experienced in church. Alex and I found each other and ten minutes later they allowed us back inside. I'm not sure what went on but it obviously wasn't a huge deal.

This month for visiting teaching i found out it was my turn to teach the lesson and so i decided to have some fun and i made these treat baskets for the girls i visit teach. I called each girl and asked her what her favourite candy was and voila...that easy.

For FHE yesterday, Alex and I headed to the dollar store to get some small items to put in a ziplock bag for some of the homeless you often see on your way to the Conference Center for conference. Conference is coming up and my parents are picking us up on their way to Salt Lake! We can't wait.

I almost forgot!!!!!...

I am 16 weeks pregnant today. And here are some common questions people have been asking me.

Do you have morning sickness?  Ugh, yes.  
Do you have any cravings?  GREEN APPLES
Formula or Breastfeeding?  Breastfeeding
Have you bought anything for the baby yet?  Yep.  a high chair and a nike outfit :)
When did you start to show? hmm, NOW!
Can you still wear your regular clothes? Still can...fewf. 
Natural or Medicated birth?  I want the epidural.  Epidural or this baby is NOT coming out.
Who will be in the delivery room with you?  My darling husband, unless he passes out. 
What’s the 1st thing you might say to the baby?  Haven’t thought about this.  Maybe, "Happy Birthday"?
Who will help you with the baby after the birth?  My mom will stay with us for a week :)
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?  Doctor's appointments...and seeing the baby!
What is the worst thing about being pregnant?  Where should I start?  Puking, constant bathroom trips, migraines, hot feet, leg hair growing as fast as nascar, and I’ll stop there.
What’s one thing you miss doing since being pregnant?  EVERYTHING. Nothing is quite the same anymore.  
How many kids do you want?  We’ll see how the first couple go. I hope for 5. 
Have you had your baby shower yet?  NO! i have NO idea if i will. The only time i'm home before the baby is born is at Christmas. Makes things difficult. 
We are SO pumped for the upcoming events in our lives. Life is wonderful. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We're Pregnant!

Yep, it's true!...We are pregnant! And that dead looking mouse is our precious baby. 
I am relieved excited i am pregnant because if i wasn't i would be worried i was dying. The joys of pregnancy! I'm just lucky i have a doting and loving husband. 

This week i picked up the art of crocheting! The only color yarn i had was purple. SO if i don't have a girl, someone will be very lucky, cause i am making a blanket. I am far from finishing as you can see! 

School has started and Alex is busy with school AND work. I am just taking online courses for the most part which is perfect for pregnancy. I am beyond excited to get this semester over with but more importantly i am more excited for my sister Brittany to have her baby (Evelyn Israel  King) in just 3 weeks. 

I made these outfits for her and i am stoked for her to arrive!

I haven't gotten any photos of me while pregnant and i am already 15 and a half weeks along! The next super fun/worth documenting outing Alex and I have i will be sure to take a picture.