Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We're Pregnant!

Yep, it's true!...We are pregnant! And that dead looking mouse is our precious baby. 
I am relieved excited i am pregnant because if i wasn't i would be worried i was dying. The joys of pregnancy! I'm just lucky i have a doting and loving husband. 

This week i picked up the art of crocheting! The only color yarn i had was purple. SO if i don't have a girl, someone will be very lucky, cause i am making a blanket. I am far from finishing as you can see! 

School has started and Alex is busy with school AND work. I am just taking online courses for the most part which is perfect for pregnancy. I am beyond excited to get this semester over with but more importantly i am more excited for my sister Brittany to have her baby (Evelyn Israel  King) in just 3 weeks. 

I made these outfits for her and i am stoked for her to arrive!

I haven't gotten any photos of me while pregnant and i am already 15 and a half weeks along! The next super fun/worth documenting outing Alex and I have i will be sure to take a picture. 


  1. Sooooo adorable!!! I LOVE the dresses! I can't wait to see them in real life... and to see you! Your crocheting is looking mighty fine!

  2. So excited for you! I can't believe your 15 weeks! You find out what it is soon! How exciting! I can't figure out how to follow your blog so someone needs to tell me how!

  3. Hahahahhaha dead mouse! You kill me.
    You are so talented - look at those fancy homemade dresses! We are so excited for you and Alex :)

    ps.. I am going to start following your blog!
    pps.. I LOVE the M you made us.
    ppss.. I guess that's it :)
