Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mother's Day AKA my second Birthday! and more...

Look what my hair did after pregnancy....why me?

 Warning: This post is boring and more of a journal entry of mundane day to day stuff. Don't say i didn't warn you!

Lately with all the devastation in the world, I can't help but be thankful for all that I have and all the people I love in my life.

Mother's Day was great! My first Mother's Day! Alex got Jade ready for church so I wouldn't have to! I got to spend time with family and relax! Tasha made a delicious supper with dessert while I just kicked back.

We went rock climbing!

We went out to eat with my old roommates! I loved catching up with them! I was so blessed to have such great friends in college!

Jared, Alex, Jade and I all went on a hike this past week! It was my genius idea to go hiking at 7 pm to Scout Falls. We ended up getting lost and only made it to a pretty little meadow. It was freezing! But it was still a lot of fun because I was with some of my favourite people!

I signed up for a 5k on June 15th! This isn't exactly an impressive distance but you have to start somewhere. I have been enjoying running everyday more and more. I hope it sticks.

I painted Jade's nails! I love having a girl...can you tell? Not exactly a fun experience while she wiggled about but the end product was rewarding!

We went out to eat with Tasha and Ben before they left to Haiti! We went to our favourite Indian food restaurant...THE BANANA LEAF! It was mighty fine! We are so jealous of Ben and Tasha basking in the sun!

We got good word that Alex's family is coming to visit in June! Yay! We love visits! Jade loves all the attention she gets too!

Jade is growing growing growing! 

She is getting more hair!
She weighs 10 lbs!
Still LOVES baths.
24 inches long.
Holds her own head.
LOVES Great Grandma Ramona! Always smiling at her!
Sleeping well and most of the time all through the night.
I got a couple giggles from her this week!
Loves listening to her Dad sing and play the piano.

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