Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Alexander John Stevens (my husband) In A Nut Shell.

1. He is protective of his hair. I beg and beg to cut his hair but he just won't budge. When he was in highschool, he looked like Velma from Scooby-Doo. Believe it or not, I still think he is adorable. Wouldn't change him for the world!

2. He describes soccer as a way of life. Dramatic much? :)
3. His favourite go to saying is, "Believe it Tiff".
4. For a guy from Oregon, he sure hates the rain. Or maybe that is the reason...
5. He actually counts to the minute how much sleep he gets each day.
6. He sings almost always in the shower.
7. He is an incredible writer. Whether it is music, poetry or a simple note. He has written me several poems ad songs including a poem he read to me right before he proposed.
8. He has three laughing lines around each eye. They are my favourite.
9. His favourite colour is green. I'm assuming because he is from Oregon? Go team trees.
10. He is an amazing brother. He sincerely cares about each one of his sisters...oh and Moze I suppose. (rhyme intended)
11. Speaking of rhyming...I would say he rhymes on purpose at least twice a day.
12. He served a 2 year mission for the LDS (Mormon) church in Chile.
13. He speaks Spanish fluently.
14. He is 4 years older than me. Yes, do the math...he's a quarter of a century.
15. He loves Star Wars and has tried to get me to have a marathon since day one.
16. Excel is his favourite pass-time. Maybe it's his finance major that influences his way of thinking. But our life is documented on Excel.
17. He has ran a marathon, a 50 km, a half marathon and several other races.
18. Hi I'm Alex and I'm addicted to Lemonade.
19. He is a magician at the guitar and piano.
20. He writes music, and his original songs make my heart melt.
Tunnel Of Tonight (original) 
Never Too Far (Original)
Small clip of a song

21. He believe it or not, loves Canada!
22. He almost constantly has a canker sore from the amount of sugar he consumes.
23. He tries to balance his sugar consumption with greens. That is what he considers a "balanced diet".
24. He is hilarious. I tell him I am the funny one but really...he makes me laugh so hard all the time.
25. He takes 10-15 minutes every night to brush and floss his teeth.
26. He still has clothes from high school. He graduated 7 years ago!
27. He hates spending money but if it's the dollar menu, have at it!
28. I am the first and only girl he ever said I love you to. Lucky me. Well to be specific, he actually said, "I think I love you". He tells me he was just nervous. :)
29. He cracks his jaw without even realizing it because of his TMJ. I even catch him doing it in his sleep.
30. He can lose almost ten pounds in a week by eating "less sugar".
31. He is the best Dad in the world. He never tries to be fair with all the responsibilities Jade comes with. He just does it because he loves her so much.
32. I swear I saw a tear in his eye when Pearl (his first car)was totalled. He kept the Honda sign as a token. If you want to make him mad, talk bad about Pearl. According to Alex, "She died saving our lives."
33. He loves nature, hiking and being outside.
34. He has to work out every day....or he might die.
35. He hates baseball.
36. He always dreamed of being a rockstar for his occupation.
37. He hates errands.
38. He doesn't know what a small bite or sip is. haha :)
39. He has lived in California, Boise, Oregon, China, Chile, Idaho, and Utah.
40. He gives GREAT foot massages...{hint hint}
41. He has a thing for foreigners from the Great White North.
42. He is Alaskan Native.
43. He is Alexander John Stevens the third....
44. He has 5 sisters and 1 brother. He is the third child.
45. He likes a lot.
46. He drinks ketchup...and BBQ sauce practically.
47. He still opens my car door.
48. He named Jade in the hospital.
49. He literally let me crawl on his lap and cry while he rocked me twice while I was pregnant. haha. Which leads me to my next fact.
50. He deals well with hormones.
51. He is an Eagle Scout.
52. He has perfect teeth. Thanks to braces.
53. He loves the show, Tree House Masters and Shark Tank.
54. He wouldn't exist without ESPN.
55. He can't whistle.
56. Another common Alex saying, "Where's the meat?"
57. His passwords to everything are impossible to remember.
58. He likes girl's to have black nail polish. Don't get it. Never will.
59. He is one of the only people who doesn't make fun of my country. Not even to poke fun.
60. He comes up with crazy nicknames for Jade. For example, The Weebs, Shmub, Shmublet, Shneeblet.
61. He checks ITunes once a week for new music.
62. He writes in a journal.
63. He has a scar from a floor HOCKEY team we were on together. Never been more attracted to a scar.
64. His favourite band of all time is Jack's Mannequin. 
65. He is my everything.

Monday, September 2, 2013

40 Random Facts About Tiffany Lee

Tiffany Lee

1. I am a Mormon. And I think you should be one too! {wink wink}
2. I absolutely cannot flex my biceps or lack there of. I can do it on accident but when I try and do it becomes quite the task.
3. I have one blue eye and one green eye. Growing up, my sister Brittany never let me forget it. I'd cry, my parents would threaten a grounding and still...her reminders persisted :)
4. My childhood fun consisted of mostly pranks. Pranks I am not proud of. My brother Jordan was my partner in crime. The things we got away with before the legal age of 18 is impressive.
5. I love Oprah. A part of me died when her talk show ended.
6. I am a dual citizen of both the United States of America and Canada. My Mom was born in Seattle, I was born and grew up in Canada.  I was blessed with claims on two wonderful countries.
7. I can finish a Rubix cube in under 2 minutes. I shamefully spent almost an entire summer at our cabin in Montana figuring it out.
8. I don't love pets. I love zoos, visiting houses with animals and even a temporary dog sitting :)...but the thought of having a pet permanently for a number of years, scares and petrifies me.
9. Some of my favourite memories come from playing basketball and tournament road trips. I made so many of my amazing friends through teams in middle school and high school. I was always good enough to make the team but never EVER a star player. Can I blame my height? Probably not :)
10. One of my biggest fears has always been people walking/running up stairs behind me. You can often find me walking up stairs backwards if someone is behind me.
11. My favourite food is a tie between coconut and peanut butter. Put any of those things into something and it just makes my life complete.
12. I was in the fashions/sewing program through all of high school.
13. I don't think any of my high school teachers would say they liked me. I was a mouthy/ try to get some laughs/ skip class kinda student. Not exactly proud of this fact.
14. Alex and I got pregnant on accident 2 weeks after big secret really.
15. I love apple. I'm obsessed with my macbook pro and all of their products.
16. I had heart problems a couple years back. But through prayer, fasting and doctors I feel awesome now.
17. I have had 6 jobs in my lifetime. Paper carrier for 6 years, Cashier at a grocery store, Waitress at a Restaurant, Day Camp leader at the YMCA (I miss this job sooo much), then at a laundry mat, and then finally my best job yet....a Mother!
18. I don't do heat. Maybe it's from growing up in Canada or my pregnancy but heat and I don't mix. I looooove the heat when there is water I can jump into. But if i'm not in a bathing suit then I prefer 20 degree (celsius) weather.
19. I have lived in the States for years and I still can't figure out the imperial system. It's 75 degrees Fahrenheit? What does that mean? That person was speeding and going 90 miles per hour? I just can't get it into my brain.
19. My Dad is a part owner of a Dairy Queen in Medicine Hat. He might say he invested in this for retirement but we all know he did it for the lifetime supply of free ice cream. We never complain.
20. For some reason, in order for me to feel awake and ready for the day, I have to let out a yell. My sister Brittany always makes fun of me but it feels so good!
21. I took personal singing lessons from the age of 8 until 18. I always loved it. Every year, I would enter the rotary music festival and compete in all sorts of categories. My favourite was the musical theatre category.
22. I have a long list of times my Dad had to come pull my car out of a ditch. My Dad looooves to tell all of these stories. I guess he has the right after all the money I cost him haha
23. I love thrift stores. My Mom and I would go monthly to Value Village or as we liked to call it Villue Vallage.
24. I am obsessed with children's books. I want to write at least one for my children and have a huge collection of them one day. My favourite are Robert Munch books.
25. I married someone with EVERYTHING I wanted and needed. No complaints. No joke.
26. I hate my laugh.
27. I actually like manual labour. My Dad used to pick a summer project and drag us kids out daily to help. We poured concrete, built fences, installed sprinkler systems and much much more.
28. I love street hockey. My brother and I would get all the neighbourhood kids to play every night after supper.
29. I used to have front bangs and so when my family and I went to Cuba, the Cuban's in the airport thought I was Hannah Montana. It was funny!
30. I talk to someone in my family almost daily on the phone.....I don't ever not miss them.
31. I think McDonalds is a little piece of heaven on earth.
32. I love hockey. Mostly for the fights and blood though.
33. My hip cracks 5-10 times a day. Always has. Don't know why.
34. I have hypothyroidism. 
35. I still love Yellowcard
36. My favourite place to meditate outside of the temple is at the Medicine Hat tepee. I love going there with friends to have life talks. Something about that place....
37. I lost count of how many times I got kicked out of class in school.
38. I love Montana. Reminds me of all my summer's growing up.
39. I don't remember the first time Alex and I met. But he does. lol.
40. I love/hate my blog.