Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Next Chapter For My Parents

I started a blog post the other day and then while doing so, got a phone call from my parents. A phone call that made me put that post on the back burner. I think it was something about Jade transitioning to a big girl bed…which I will post about soon but for now my concentration changed. My parents asked if both Alex and I were home. After telling them yes they responded, "Great! Get on Skype, we have some news to share with you and Alex." I hung up and started searching for my computer. Then I immediately started crossing possible announcements off the possibilities. Pregnancy. Surprise visit. Being called as Bishop.  Stake president. Wait...Is it bad news? They didn't seem sad. They seemed happy. Really happy. Winning the lottery. Alex and I quickly got on Skype before my mind exploded. A cute little square of my parents popped up on Skype. They were glowing. But they always do. My Dad didn't tease me long. He quickly got to business. "We are calling to share the great news and blessing that we have been called to serve as a mission president and wife." My vision went blurry. Only because my eyes were full of tears that started even before his sentence was through. Pregnancy hormones? Maybe. But it's so much more than that. 

For those of you reading that are unfamiliar with LDS missions, I will explain quickly. Many and all willing boys and girls between the ages of 18 and 26 are invited to serve full time 2 year missions. They are called to serve all around the globe! They teach about our church to the people of a certain region. Older couples, usually retired couples, also can serve missions together if they choose to do so. Regions are split up into what are called "missions". A Mission president and wife are called to oversee all missionaries that serve in that area. It is a sacrifice for parents to send off their children as you can imagine. Yet it is also a true blessing to the missionaries, family and those people that welcome and accept the gospel. We as members are eager to share the happy news and knowledge that families can be eternal and that God is the source of happiness. 

To fully account for this story I should probably go back to almost two years ago. When Alex expressed interest in law my Dad offered to help transition Alex into his firm while he slowly retired if we thought it right for our family. Alex and I prayed about this and were both overcome with surety that this was the direction we were to take. There were so many factors involved. In the end, having a stable job and flexibility to visit his family and to be near one side of the family was the most important reason to do it. Alex started studying for the LSAT while also finishing up his undergrad. He took the LSAT and was accepted into the dual JD program here in Michigan. With a great scholarship and unique degree we couldn't resist. We packed up our things and headed east. My Dad was on his 11th year serving as the Medicine Hat stake president and knew it wouldn't be long before he was released from that calling. He then knew that retirement was well underway and missions were not only a possibility but a goal for him and my mother. They made plans. So many. Plans that didn't make sense to everyone but they knew they were being led in the right direction. Only months after arranging and planning many details, I got the call. The call that meant my parents were putting the Lord first. And the Lord was asking for their service. They accepted, knowing that the Lord would fill in the gaps while away from the life and family they built together. The Lord was in the details all along, preparing everything to work out smoothly and timely.

Now back to the phone call.

They told us what they knew. That they were to start on July 1, 2015. It was a 3 year calling. That it would be somewhere that Portugese was spoken. My Dad served a 2 year mission in Recife Brazil and learned Portugese, so my first guess was Brazil. But then there is also Portugal. Cape Verde off the coast of Africa (where 2 of my high school friends served) and Mozambique (near Kenya where my inlaws are living currently). WHERE WAS THE LORD TAKING MY PARENTS!? My best friends. But then it all came together for me. It didn't matter where they went. Where ever it is, it's where they are meant to be. After the reality of it all sank in, we started asking about the details. When did they know? How did the whole process work? When will they know where? When am I gonna see you? How am I supposed to survive?? I'm kidding. Well kind of kidding.  

They told us that while they were visiting us in November, my Dad got an email from Elder Ballard's secretary saying that she was trying to get a hold of him and needed to set up an video call for him and my Mom to speak with Elder Ballard. My Dad responded and they set up an appointment for when they returned home to Medicine Hat. The interview sounded like it was so full of love. Elder Ballard asked necessary questions of finance, family situations  health, and willingness to serve. He told them that a member of the first presidency would be video chatting them very soon. They got a video call from President Eyring weeks after and were able to spend an hour with him. He then extended the calling without destination. He told them that it would however be portugese speaking and for 3 years. He asked if my parents were willing to accept the call. They both answered yes. President Eyring then responded, "And now you may kiss". haha. He said he was only partially joking. It truly is a commitment to support one another much like marriage. He said when you are at the alter you kiss and then you go on to have kids. This time, you kiss and you go on to have 500 plus kids (missionaries). My Dad says President Eyring's presence was magnificent and he had perfect balance between spirituality, business, love, concern and humour. President Eyring said that the "where" would be answered with an official letter coming in the mail in just 2 days time.

My parents asked us all to make a guess on where they were going to live for 3 years as Mission President and wife. We all nonchalantly guessed...Until they presented a hefty prize basket to whoever was the closest guess. Then my family got pretty serious about the guessing. When I say pretty serious, I mean, frantic calls and research was done. Serious scheduling was done on who guessed which destination first, which would mean the other person would have to choose another place. It was down to the minute on who owned which guess. Calculations were made on which was the most probable to win and win most nearby missions if the mission wasn't guessed in the end. There were debates on which grandkids were old enough to also enter the guessing pool. Serious serious stuff guys. The competition was ON!! In the end, Alex guessed Cuiaba Brazil and I guessed Mozambique. 

After my Dad tracked down, or as my Mom puts it, "stalked" the Fedex driver, they got that package with that small detail of where on the globe they would land.  It truly is a small detail because the important detail was already established. They accepted the call to serve the Lord, missionaries and the people of a specific region for 3 years. 

SO now you probably are curious to know where my parents are going..

They have been called to serve as mission president and wive of the Campinas, Brazil mission.

My thoughts are divided into two categories…

Selfish thoughts:
Warning: These are all rampant thoughts that have crossed my mind and are completely raw and irrational.

-3 years of short phone calls and short visits. (and visits only to Brazil because they can't leave.)
-They will miss so much! Babies, graduations, baptisms, Christmases and so much more.
-No one to dye my hair for free for a while. Pathetic thought right?
-I will miss my parent's house in Med Hat.
-Expensive tickets to Brazil. $$$$
-Man, that brand new pool and slide will go to waste! :)
-Picture texts, texts and phone calls will have to be made in wifi. 
-I'll have to share my parents with complete strangers. 
-They will be growing so much and learning so much…with out me. 
-Will they be distracted when talking to me on the phone? 
-When will I see my siblings? Parents are what brings a family together!
-Will my cute, blonde Mom be safe? (A second after thinking this, I was hit with the realization that of course she would be protected while serving)
-My parents won't have time to talk with me for hours on end…oh no! I'm spoiled with undivided attention from my parents as you can obviously tell. 

Because I am human, I thought all of these things but then turned my thoughts to the positive, much more important side of things...

Grateful thoughts:
-I'm grateful my parents are worthy, prepared and willing to serve the Lord in this capacity. 
-I'm thankful my children will see the sacrifices they make and then see the blessings that result. 
-I'm thankful my parents are humble. They joke about how "unlucky" these missionaries are. Their jokes make me sick because I would kill to be with them during this growing experience.  I am so incredibly jealous of these LUCKY missionaries that will learn so much from my parents. But they are only on loan, so I am expecting them back. 
-I'm grateful that the Lord will take care of us as they are away. President Eyring promised that the Lord would take better care of us than they could have. How comforting!
-I'm grateful that all of the 4 grand baby BOYS will be born before they leave. Perfect timing much?
-I'm grateful that the gospel is true and worth every and any sacrifice!
-I'm grateful for the knowledge that everything good that is created is the result of sacrifice. 

6 months from now my parents will be living in Brazil. They will be busy. They will be needed. They will be happy. 

6 months from now, our little family will be living in Michigan. We will be busy. We will be blessed. We will be happy. I just know it. 

I have shed SO many tears thinking about my parents being gone for 3 years. Jade will be 5 years old, baby boy will be 3 years old and we may even have another brand new bundle of joy by then. I have shed a lot of happy tears too! Life happens fast. I've learned to spend it doing important things. My parents are great examples of this. I just love them to bits. Thanks Mom and Dad for all you do. It wouldn't feel as much of a sacrifice if you weren't so incredibly amazing! You will do amazing things. And I'll spend the next 3 years reminding myself..

The gospel is true.
The gospel is true!
The gospel is true!! :)

The city

Campinas Brazil Temple

Friday, December 5, 2014

Over halfway cooked!

I am over 20 weeks pregnant and it feels good to be on the down hill. I try not to think about the fact that we have the hard half left still ahead of us…

 I got a PICC line in my arm that will stay permanent until the baby comes. The experience wasn't my favourite. I guess they failed to tell me that they actually stitch the IV into your arm. It was however cool to watch them guide the line close to my heart using an X-ray. The stitches were sore for a couple days and now i'm just dealing with the itchiness of it all. They have me on an at home IV for 5 hours each day. It is definitely something I'm getting used to. I am not allowed to sleep while I am hooked up to it because once the bag is empty it starts actually taking out blood from my body! Which wouldn't be that grand. They don't like risking the possibility of that, so I'm forced to do it during the day.  I usually plan the night before when the best time would be for me to be hooked up and rolling around the house. Most of the time I do it in the afternoon. Jade is getting used to it and being really respectful of it. She now only walks it around when I already am moving somewhere. She thinks she is being really helpful and it's kinda cute! I have been doing it consistently for a couple weeks now and have noticed improvement! I still am puking, but not as much as my previous self. I am less nauseated and can get more done with my day which feels so great!

I had an ultrasound yesterday and I got to see how baby boy is growing. He sure is a charmer! 

In the mean time, I am just basking in all sorts of healthy foods. I have been having hard cravings for PIZZA POPS! Alex so kindly picked me up a stock pile while in Canada for school. I am just so blessed to have such a understanding husband.

Jade benefits from my cravings as well...

Alex is working so hard right now on his finals and still finds time to be there for me, Jade and the babe. We are looking forward to a well deserved holiday in Oregon happening so very soon!