Friday, December 5, 2014

Over halfway cooked!

I am over 20 weeks pregnant and it feels good to be on the down hill. I try not to think about the fact that we have the hard half left still ahead of us…

 I got a PICC line in my arm that will stay permanent until the baby comes. The experience wasn't my favourite. I guess they failed to tell me that they actually stitch the IV into your arm. It was however cool to watch them guide the line close to my heart using an X-ray. The stitches were sore for a couple days and now i'm just dealing with the itchiness of it all. They have me on an at home IV for 5 hours each day. It is definitely something I'm getting used to. I am not allowed to sleep while I am hooked up to it because once the bag is empty it starts actually taking out blood from my body! Which wouldn't be that grand. They don't like risking the possibility of that, so I'm forced to do it during the day.  I usually plan the night before when the best time would be for me to be hooked up and rolling around the house. Most of the time I do it in the afternoon. Jade is getting used to it and being really respectful of it. She now only walks it around when I already am moving somewhere. She thinks she is being really helpful and it's kinda cute! I have been doing it consistently for a couple weeks now and have noticed improvement! I still am puking, but not as much as my previous self. I am less nauseated and can get more done with my day which feels so great!

I had an ultrasound yesterday and I got to see how baby boy is growing. He sure is a charmer! 

In the mean time, I am just basking in all sorts of healthy foods. I have been having hard cravings for PIZZA POPS! Alex so kindly picked me up a stock pile while in Canada for school. I am just so blessed to have such a understanding husband.

Jade benefits from my cravings as well...

Alex is working so hard right now on his finals and still finds time to be there for me, Jade and the babe. We are looking forward to a well deserved holiday in Oregon happening so very soon!

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