Sunday, November 13, 2016

The results are in..

About 6 months ago, I was praying for guidance about Jade. Something just wasn't exactly right with her anymore. Her stamina wasn't as good as other kids her age, her skin was rough, her hair was brittle and her weight didn't seem like healthy baby fat anymore. I found myself getting hurt by some comments made by friends and strangers (don't worry friends, I'm long over it). Mama bear was on guard! I didn't want my little girl to feel the pressure and judgement of others or even me at such a young and tender age. I prayed and prayed to get some sort of answer even if it was peace and reassurance that everything was just fine.

I remember this one day where I couldn't get it out of my head that maybe, just maybe, Jade had Hypothyroidism (like me). She had all the right symptoms and the genes to inherit it. I took Jade to her pediatrician and shared with him my concerns. He told me that it was very unlikely that Jade had Hypothyroidism because usually they are diagnosed as babies or much later in life. He didn't want to test her for it but said he would just to clear my Mom worries and probably to shut me up.

Blood test #1 results: 
Low thyroid

They said they wanted to get another test to make sure it wasn't just some freak result.

Blood test #2 results:
Low thyroid

They told me that her levels changed dramatically and wanted to get one last test done to see if it would fluctuate again.

Blood test #3 results:
Low  thyroid

This is when they diagnosed her with Hypothyroidism and filled her an ongoing prescription for Synthroid.

Let's just say I thoroughly enjoyed my next pediatric appointment. My doctor apologized for not seeing the signs himself, for discouraging me to get her tested and congratulated me on my intuition. I felt like Super Mom leaving the doctors office that day. Take that medical school, sometimes Moms know best!

I'm grateful for family and friends who kept me positive during those dreadful blood draws and for a loving Heavenly Father that guided me along the way. We are very excited to know that Jade's body is getting what it needs and happy to have the healthiest Jadie girl possible! That girl deserves the best of everything!


  1. Does she have Hashimotos? My 13 yr old was just diagnosed with that. His symptoms were chronic hives. I was hoping it was a cat allergy... no luck. :( Synthroid hasn't taken care of the hives and they're getting worse. I need to look into other options, I think.
    --Marcia Marshall

  2. They think it's hypothyroidism but it could be hashimoto. What do the hives look like? Jade has bad excema on her arms.
