Wednesday, November 14, 2012

23 weeks and almost TWO days. Every. Day. Counts.

These past couple weeks have been crazy! I went to yet ANOTHER appointment with my OBGYN. Baby looks healthy and happy in my belly! I have been feeling some FUN back pain and discovered Medicaid pays for 6 appointments to the chiropractor. Don't mind if I do!! I have been to two appointments already and am feeling worlds better! I love FREE stuff!

I'm definitely starting to look pregnant. This is a fact.

Alex won not just one but TWO soccer championships these past couple weeks! That means TWO free shirts for me to laze around in :) He busted up his knee a bit and we are looking into getting an MRI... I hope his knee just needs time and NOT surgery. 

Since my last post Natalie found out what she is carrying! Yep, a little baby girl too! Girls everywhere!

Elections were ultra fun except for the fact that i didn't order my absentee ballot in time to actually vote. Canadian postal service needs to improve badly!...that or my procrastination.

My friends and I hosted a baby shower for our friend and it turned out really fun! I made my Aunt Sandra's famous sugar cookies! That recipe is TO DIE FOR! 

My gift for her was quickly ever so nicely thrown together!

Alex applied to two internships for this coming spring. We are still looking for some options, so if you know of a good one this spring let us know!

Meet our newest addition and only Christmas decoration.....his name is George but Alex insists on calling him BUCK?!

After the temple today, some young women were standing in the cold giving out cookies to those who came out of the temple. WHAT A GREAT SERVICE IDEA? it was cute and Alex sure liked the cookies because he ate his AND mine before we even got home.

I have had old fashioned rolled oats sitting in our pantry for a whole semester so i thought i would finally put them to use and make a giant batch of homemade granola! I got some ideas from several recipes and put together this recipe. I think it turned out mighty fine. It's my daily munchy.


4 cups old-fashioned oats
1 1/2 cup sliced almonds

1 1/2 cup of coconut
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup maple syrup or honey
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cup raisins or dried cranberries

1/4 cup wheat germ (optional)

Bake at 300 until desired crunchiness...

Alex and I CANNOT wait for Thanksgiving with his family next week! I can't believe it's less than a week away! 

-Tiffany Lee Stevens

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