Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Week = FOOD (21 weeks)

This week can be described with two words...FUN....and FOOD! I don't think I have ever eaten so much food in my life. All week Alex has been able to feel our little nugget non stop. I can't believe her movement is big enough to feel from the outside! It's a beautiful thing. Cousin Jared even got a kick last night! She moves a lot but mostly when Alex is around and talking. I think she gets sick of my voice...and no one is blaming her.

This week it unexpectedly of course snowed here in Rexburg Idaho! Our car was locked in with a foot of snow and Alex had a soccer game to go to. We ended up getting stuck and having to take our car in afterwards to get the plastic bolted back up on the bottom. Life is rough. BUT Alex made it to his game and I speedily took our car in to the shop and walked home. A 15 DOLLAR mistake later and our car is back to great condition.

I honestly think I am showing now...for real. Alex tells me I am some days and then other days he rolls his eyes and says sarcastically, "Sure Tiff, I can tell" Well soon enough it will be undoubtable. I can... and cannot wait for that!

We changed date night to Thursday this week because we got tickets to go see The All American Rejects, Boys Like Girls and Parachute that night! We took the money Alex's Mom so graciously gave us for date money and grabbed some grub at Buffalo Wild Wings before the concert. I don't think our little girl likes food very much because she never lets me keep it down...especially if it is scrumptious. The concert was oh so fun and my stomach was movin to the music! We were lucky enough to snap a picture with William Anderson, the lead singer in Parachute!

Saturday brought more food as our ward was having a chilli, corn bread and pie cook off! Alex and I showed up and ate...and ate...and ate. After all THAT food we went to our friend's house Lindsay and Skyler. They had all the fixings to make carmel apples. I saved mine for sunday and it was a delicious treat the next day. 

On Monday I discovered I should start cooking more for my dear husband because when he is hungry and alone he will make himself something that looks like this...

Monday, for FHE, our apartment complex hosted a pie night. They said that at Thanksgiving families put dessert last but they want to put dessert first this year. Everyone was to bring their favourite pie and indulge. Everyone's pie tasted professional. I made pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream! I was surprised when it turned out really good! {I'm keeping the recipe for the crust, and filling forever!}

Lastly, i'm planning a baby shower for one of my friends here in Rexburg. I just finished the invites and I know my Mom would want to see them! Sewing on paper is fun! ha


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