Thursday, April 25, 2013

Time flies when you are having fun!

 It's been almost a month since I last posted. Time has been flying by and time has also been consumed with family time! I love it!

Kristy and Kelsy came and stayed at our house one their way to conference. It was way too much fun and we even met up with Spencer! Kristy and Kelsy spoiled Jade with this adorable outfit.

Jade really liked conference too!

We moved from our first home together and left to Canada for a week trip and then moved all our stuff to Orem Utah! This isa picture in front of our first home together. We will miss Middletown Apartments...well maybe not so much. I much prefer tile instead of carpet in my kitchen.

Jade survived the move by sleeping, sleeping and sleeping. Lucky girl!
I spy with my little eye a CUTE  little girl!
The Winter semester is over and this screen is always nice to see.

Canada was GREAT! I love going home! We saw friends...

And we also picked up a present from Jade's Great Grandma. She gave us a necklace that her husband (my grandpa) gave her way back when. The necklace is made of jade and he bought it for her because it reminded him of her beautiful green eyes. What a romantic. This necklace now belongs to Jade and I have been enjoying wearing it until it fits Jade. It is fun to have a piece of Jade around my neck to remind me of my beautiful daughter.

My old Bishop and his wife brought me  and Jade gifts. Jade got a personalized hooded bath towel and I got an entire ice cream cake to myself! :) I adore them!

We made it official....JADE IS NOW CANADIAN! I loved having a dual citizenship and I think she will too. I belong to TWO  beautiful countries...I jealous.

Jade even had to get her first headshot to apply for Canadian citizenship.
We saw our niece Autumn. Jade and Autumn loved each other  as you can see...

Well at least I enjoyed snuggle time with Autumn...

We hung out with my cousins and their babies.... SO MUCH FUN!

(Stolen from Brooke's blog)

We will be in Utah until September! We have been here for a couple of days and I'm already excited for the next four months! The weather is so nice and there is so much to do. Today we made a Utah bucket list and I plan on making it all happen. So far we have just organized, cleaned and visited with family.

Auntie Tash spends most of her lunch breaks visiting us! :)
All ready for church!

Finally in the same city as this guy!
These are pictures of our new place in Utah...these are for family so feel free to skip over...
My new sewing station!

Where are my husband's clothes you may ask....they are else where. He fully supports my hobby of collecting clothes. haha. Okay not so much.
Where Alex spends a lot of his time...
Extra beds...come visit!
Where I spend most of my time.
Baby room...Alex's Grandparents got us that rocking chair!  I plan on covering the cushions in the near future to match her quilt! I LOVE IT!

This week we went to a Chilean restaurant and it was....well Alex liked it haha. But in all seriousness it was nasty but fun for Alex to get some of his favourite Chilean food.

Speaking of moving earlier...a big thanks to my friend Kamrie for bringing a whole jeep load of our stuff to Utah for us! She saved our lives. Having a baby doubled our load. And another big thank you to Logan for helping us move and letting us use his truck!

Last semester is over and we are just starting the Spring school school. It never ends.

Jade is getting SO big and I can't believe next week she will be TWO MONTHS!

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