Thursday, July 11, 2013

Catch up time!

 I have SO much to catch up on here that this post is going to be a list of things that have just been happening and maybe i will include updates on J girl too!

We attended Hunter (Alex's best friend Skyler's little brother's) farewell. He is going to RUSSIA! He did a fabulous job on his talk and afterwords we went to his house to eat lunch. His Dad won I believe 2nd place in the nation for his burgers. They are huge but so good you can't stop. SO i ate the whole thing and don't regret it one bit.

Tasha offered to babysit Jade while Alex and I went to the temple. I haven't gone since Jade has been born!!!!! It was so nice and needed. I'm always glad when i make the effort to go. Somehow i need to make it happen more, even with a baby.

I made an etsy account and am selling baby bracelets. My sister also has an account making soleless baby shoes! Check them out!

We got some fun toys for Jade lately! It is so fun to watch her explore and goo at things. We got a play mat, an exersaucer, a bumbo and an "o ball". Spoiled? oh probably.

My friend, Kirstin made Jade a tutu and headband to match. It is now one of my favourite headbands and i am constantly trying to find a reason to put her in her tutu. Babies in tutus never get old.

Alex's family came to Utah to visit! While they were here:

I ran a 5k in American Fork! I am trying to work my way up to bigger races. My cousin Jared might convince me to do a Sprint Triathalon. That would be waaaay out of my comfort zone but it might just happen with some more convincing.

We celebrated Fathers's Day! I tried to pamper Alex with gifts and attention.I got Alexa shirt and a frame for him to put on his desk at work of Jade and I. Later in the night I got a fever and migraine. Alex was so nice and ended up pampering me on HIS day. ha. I swear i didn't plan it. We also got to celebrate with Alex's Dad and Grandpa. I made Alex's favourite supper and dessert. It was fun to have 3 generations of Fathers to party with.

Some of us went to the Local "Orem Days" to go on rides and such. Kelly, Natalie, Greg and I were all frustrated with the lack of organization at the festival. Lines were enormous and unorganized. This caused everyone to budge in line. Kelly and I got on a total of 2 rides after hours of waiting. Natalie and Greg didn't even get on any. It was awful. Later that night there were fireworks and apparently Jade was more entertaining to watch during them than the actual fireworks. I missed being with her during them because I was trying to get on any ride before the park closed.

Jade loved all the attention she got from the Stevens. Aunt Kelly spent a lot of time with Jade and it is fun to see their special relationship. Jade loves her and Kelly is quite the Mom. She does the fun stuff and the not so fun stuff...if you know what i mean. True love.

We celebrated Tina's birthday! She requested a snickers icecream cake. So i went straight to pinterest to see what i could find. i found a BROWNIE, PEANUTBUTTER SNICKERS, HOT FUDGE, CARAMEL, ICECREAM CAKE! Yes you read that right. It was amazing but only because of all those great things put into one cake....oh and my Grandma Bullock's famous hot fudge.

We went to Ben's work picnic and got to go on "The Human Slingshot". It was so intense.

On a different note....

A couple weeks ago on June 20th, I got a call from my Dad telling me bad news of my Grandmother Bullock's passing. My initial reaction was shock followed by tears followed by peace. She has been struggling with her health for just over a year and her pain has now ended.

I was so blessed to be able to go to her funeral. She was a widow for 17 years! She is remembered giving advice to new widows around her that, "their new calling was to be the BEST widow they could possibly be". She was that. She lost her sweetheart and allowed that trial to make her a better person. She never stopped serving. Whether it was for her family, in the temple as a temple worker or anyone she was in contact with, she loved and served them. As a family we were filled with a whirlwind of emotions following her death, including: happiness, sorrow, heartache, stress, anxiety, love, motivation, and thankfulness. We were so happy that finally she was rewarded back her eternal companion forever. We were comforted to have the knowledge our religion and beliefs give us that families are forever. This life is not the end. This life is small in comparison to the eternities here after. She fulfilled her purpose on earth. She will no longer spend a minute away from her companion and her son that was a still born at birth. She will walk hand in hand with my Grandpa forever. We were comforted to know that we will be reunited with her, Grandpa, Uncle Ron and all our loved ones that have passed, when we also pass. We were redetermined to do our part in keeping God's commandments to be able to return to God and our loved ones. On my Grandpa and Grandma's gravestones there is engraved a table with chairs around it, each chair containing every family member's name. It is a reminder to us that we don't want any chair left empty when we all pass to the other side and have our great family reunion. I am so grateful for the knowledge i do have and how it comforts me when loved ones are gone. Grandma is undoubtedly busy on the other side still serving everyone she can.

At her funeral I was able to learn even more about my Grandma. I loved laughing at her childhood and smiling at her favourite traditions. I was able to sing at her funeral along with my two cousins. It was so nice to be able to sing for her what I know she believed and said often, "I Know That My Redeemer Lives". Her funeral was perfect and great tribute to her life. 

On another different note....

My Mom took heather and I to Broadway's Les mis in Calgary. I had never been to a Broadway show and it was so mindblowingly good!

My best friend Kenzie ventured to my house while I was home to see Jade and I. She of course made me one her famous mixed cds and we chatted for hours. I love that girl. She is nuts! But I like nuts :)

Jade Updates:

Weight: 13.4 lbs

Height: tba

Hobbies: Happy screaming, head crunches, giggling(rare but the best), baths, swatting at toys, drooling, smiling constantly, jumping, making necessary outfit changes, and sleeping!

Sleeping: 10-12 hour nights! This is the absolute best. Alex and I get our own time together at night and don't even get woken up by her until Alex is getting ready for work.

Milestones: twisting her body but not quite rolling over yet...i predict soon! Her hand control with toys is impressive. She finally can control her fingers! Head is really strong.

Things she detests: Tummy time, obnoxious kisses, dirty diapers, the sun, and shots.

Jade got her shots! She didn't cry hardly at all! We are soo proud! cream was necessary.

After being in Canada for my Grandmother Bullock's funeral I flew straight to Oregon for Michelle (Alex's sister's wedding). Flying was so stressful. Jade never cried or fussed but still it was hard. I had to hold her in my arms while I attempted to carry and wheel my luggage around. Going to the washroom was...a chore. time I fly with Jade I will for sure have Alex too!

In Oregon:

Alex's skin saw the sun..well part of his skin...haha

We went white water rafting!

Finished wedding preparations.

Met the groom for the first time!

Hiked to Paulina Plunge! There were water falls, boiling pots and natural slides! Did i mention Alex lost his wedding ring here? Not cool.

July Fourth partying!

We went to crater Lake and Alex, Ben, Tasha, Michelle and Greg bike all 33 miles around!

We shaved Ben's beard!!!! And in the same moment, Jade lost one of her favourite toys!

Canada Day Partying!

Michelle's Bachelorette party!

AND of course....the wedding!

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