Monday, August 5, 2013

I love/hate my blog. (Jade is 5 months)

Why is S Club 7 in my head today? I woke up singing, "There ain't no party like an S Club party!" haha. Bring me back to my childhood please. Hopefully Jade's generation has a girl band just as terrible.

So as of recently:

Really recently: As of two seconds ago I just spilt Chinese food all over our bed. Lesson learned... Control nursing hunger pains more daintily.

We went camping at Bloomington/Bear lake area! We enjoyed raspberry shakes and garlic fries! We went to some ice caves and swung off a rope at Bloomington Lake. Jade had a rough time camping and i'm pretty sure the campers around us were less than happy with us.

Jade's first time seeing a fire. She was mesmerized.

I won 100 dollars in gift cards at our local grocery store. I went for a late night run to grab...lollipops haha and they handed me 100 dollars in gift cards at the register. LUCKY ME!

My Dad surprised my Mother for their 30 anniversary with a trip to Rome and Paris! She didn't know until he headed towards Calgary airport instead of our Cabin in Montana (where she thought they were going). I have yet to see this "reveal video" but apparently it's mostly my Mom saying, "but i forgot a camera". haha. Thank goodness for Iphones. We have been enjoying/envying their daily pictures via facebook.

Check out this video of my parents in Rome...

And I would hate myself if I didn't include this gem of a picture....(Mom pretend you didn't see this)

To explain: It is a long time tradition in our family that when you eat a Chocolate Puff (I'm not sure if the United States has them but Canada and Europe do. My Dad loves them and I think they are just okay) you have to eat it and after words smile. Whom ever has the grossest/chocolatey/disturbing smile...wins. Yeah pretty sure this tradition started when my Dad on accident ate one and didn't notice his stained chocolate teeth. Our family makes everything into a competition. haha.

It was my bestfriend's birthday last week! We ordered pizza the night before and then went for breakfast to celebrate. Food. FOOD. FOOOOOOD!

After breakfast at Cafe 300.
Summer 2006. We made a swing that overlooks the lake at our family cabin in Montana. We engraved our middle names and buried a time capsule to be opened when Jared is 33 and I am 30. I can't remember all that we put in there but I do remember writing notes to our future selves.

My brother Jordan made the cutest dinner for his wife Heather's birthday last week. He made it Lady and the Tramp theme! My sisters and I take part credit for his creativity. We taught him well.

Lately Alex and I have been watching the new show called "Deal With it". It is a reality tv show that gets people to do ridiculously embarrassing things. Look it up. SO funny.

Grandpa Tom had his 89th birthday! He requested a yellow box cake with cream cheese, rum flavoured frosting.

Since Alex lost his wedding ring, Grandpa Tom so generously gave him his Dad's wedding ring. It is really neat that Alex now wears his Great Grandpa's ring! I am finally getting MY ring resized so it won't fall off! can't wait to get it back. I feel weird without it!

We went out to eat with one of Alex's best friends and his fiance! It is so great to see other people find happiness and love, especially people we adore! Congrats Logan and Jenn!

We just got our car back for the SECOND time from the auto body shop. We have bad luck with people running into us. Two times in one month. Luckily...none have been our fault....yet.

I tried slacklining for the first time ever. WAY to hard. I have come to grips with the fact that I will never make it more that two seconds on one. Alex however isn't so awful like me. Trust me this video doesn't look impressive...but it is real hard.

Jared might end up working with Alex! He had an interview this week and if they need a spot filled he has the job! They are going to have fun with out me! Not fair.

Ben and Tasha always ALWAYS call Alex, "dip". It's his nickname they gave him but they use it 100% of the time. I have been thinking for a long time that THEY need nicknames too. SO we came up with some good ones. Ben = Moze. Tasha = Squaw. We have our reasons for these nicknames but you don't get to know what they are. But trust me they are funny.

Squaw and Moze hosted a BBQ. We ate and played kick ball. One of the many reason I love summer is for BBQs. Then yesterday we enjoyed another campfire with them but this time we made peach cobbler! YUM!

Jared's beard is GONE-ZO! Just when I started liking it....

We visited Rexburg aka Deathburg aka Jade's birth city aka school sucks. BUT we did get to see our great friends Sky and Lindsay! They even let us bunk at their house!

We saw Despicable Me 2 for date night. It was slightly better than the first one. I enjoyed it quite a bit and so did Jade.

Today we used all my coupons I got for the 5k I ran last month. We ran around getting free food and using our gift cards that I won! Alex got himself a new shirt that I convinced him he needed :)

Jade Updates:

Eating a snack of oatmeal cereal everyday now! She loves it. I love/hate it because of the messes it makes.

Still loves jumping! She is getting so good!

Weighs: To be determined.

Smiles constantly

Laughing isn't so rare anymore.

Sleeps SO WELL! We love sleep.

OH and she is 5 MONTHS TODAY! :)

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