Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Joys of Lately.


I have attempting getting back into sketching which I haven't done since high school. 
We went to a Real Salt Lake Soccer game. 

We dog sat for Brooke and Brian. We played their wii and ate their ice cream....and they thought we did them a favour :P haha

I FOUND MY 50 DOLLAR COLDSTONE GIFT CERTIFICATE! I had gotten it as a wedding shower gift and then lost it. I was cleaning out an old purse and voila! 50 dollars of heaven.

We went to a fancy restaurant called Flemings. It was a full course meal to die for. We stuck out like a sore thumb but it was fun!

We went to Moze's "i'm leaving to Africa" farewell BBQ. As usual, it was great food and great company with a lot of babysitters :P

For the BBQ I made a pinterest idea. I got a box brownie mix and then scattered random chocolate bars in it! die for and really fast and easy. Almond Joy was the best combo!

Just when I think Tash can't get any better, she shows up with a bunch of OPI nail polishes for me! What was the occasion? No idea, but it made my week!

My absolute favourite person got home from her mission in Peru!!! ALLIE CAPUNAY!!! Can't wait to annoy her on a regular basis in Rexburg soon!...and then back to Midway where she is from because after this semester that is where we are going to be! What are the chances?

(Good times pretending to watch the boys play football)

I made cinnamon buns! Or Cinnamon rolls as people around here would say! Mmmmmm!

We had Jared and some of his friend's over for a party. I miss the good old days where we would chat about the night's activities and evaluate our lives ha. It brought me right back.

My Aunt Shari invited us over for supper! She showed me a journal entry from when my Mom and her were in grade 4. haha My mom is the blonde goof on the right! :) But, she couldn't possibly get any cuter. I love her summer skin!

Too bad you didn't get 2 boys and a girl Mom :P

We have been to a lot of weddings as of late. Alex's old roommate Tom (who was on our first date with us), and his other old roommate, Ron Dale. I love weddings, love and temple sealings!

Tina came to Orem! We got a babysitter, some Dwindle games in, and some good times all round! We love visitors! 

We went to the Steven's family reunion in Boise, Idaho! It was great weather, great food and good company. I got to meet almost the whole extended family finally. The more Steven's I meet, the more I like being a Stevens. Some great people!

Jade Updates:

Weighs: 16 lbs
Height: Still don't know. lol.
Milestones: Rolls!

Giving Mom a foot massage! :)

This week I am packing for our last semester at BYUI! We leave on the 6th of September and until the 16th when school starts we are going to Canada and Yellowstone! Can't wait to see some of my friends who have just gotten back from their missions!

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