Monday, November 11, 2013

A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

We took family photos! I can't wait to take new photos as we add more and more little people to our family. Don't worry guys this is NOT a pregnancy announcement. You have a while before you have to endure reading my pregnancy blog posts! HA! My best friend Stacey took our family photos for us! They turned out great! I just love that Stacey girl a little bit! :)

My old roommates came to Rexburg to visit and we all hung out! It was such a fun weekend catching up! 

Halloween happened. I was so excited to dress up my real life doll. What a cute stone age family eh?

We carved pumpkins!

Alex won his BYUI Advanced Soccer league championship for the 4th year in a row! 

Here is a video I made for him. It is a collection of some clips I took of his games for the season. Every time he scored I happened to not be filming or my camera died...what are the chances? Oh well it is still a great video!

We are moving to Med Hat Canada in January! I can't wait to be home for 4 months :) Like really....I can't wait. We feel so blessed to have such a generous family that is willing to help Alex learn the law firm ropes at my Dad's office! Alex is excited to dip his toes into what will one day be his full time career! I'm excited to see family on a regular basis and eat at my Dad's Dairy Queen. It is extreme torture to see DQ commercials, drool, and know you are 8 hours away from a free blizzard :)

We celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving! We had some of our good friends over and ate...and ate and...ATE!!

I have been crafting up a storm....I have a problem. Someone needs to rip my hands off the glue gun and sewing machine. 

Alex takes his LSAT test at the beginning of December so keep him in your prayers! He is so nervous but I know the Lord will bless him for all the hard work he does for our little family! He works so hard that when he does take any time for himself he feels guilty. I am always begging him to take a nap or watch a 20 minute show with me. It take a lot of convincing! 

A couple weeks back he got his practice LSAT tests in the mail...and he was excited!? haha. He is such a great man, and he is all mine :)

We finally get to talk to Alex's brother Ben and his wifey, Tash in Africa tonight on Skype! We miss them a lot and it will be so good to hear from them. Anytime we waste any food at all, Alex will joke that we could have fed HIS starving family in Africa. LOL. The Africa jokes are endless around here. Joking aside though, we are so proud of their hard work they are doing to help the economy in Africa.

Things are all falling into place! Alex graduates in a month and a half! Both Alex and my parents are coming to celebrate! Good times ahead!

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