Saturday, November 9, 2013

What Jade is up to at 8 months..

Jade is 8 months!


Rolling around and so close to crawling it is ridiculous. By the time I finish this blog post she honestly could be crawling. Alex made a prediction of when he thinks she will be crawling by. I am curious to see if she reaches his goal for her!

She eats cheerios and mush.

She weighs....I don't know...a lot?

She has no teeth but I feel like she has been pre teething forever!

She loves... standing, baths, her sock monkey, Alex playing his guitar and singing, her sippy cup, sleeping, jumping, chatting, skyping, mirrors and fake coughing.

She hates...being woken up early from naps, clapping during football games, toys dropping, the snot suction, bottles that don't come "fast enough", when you leave her sight and not being able to slobber on electronics.

She says dada, mama, bbbbbbbbbbbbb, and her favourite....add? She is an ultra nerd.

She got sick for the first time recently:( Colds are not fun!

Her bed time is 7 pm and she sleeps until 5 or 6. I give her a bottle and then she sleeps until 8! Lucky me!

She loves when Alex puts her upside down.

She high fives!

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