Tuesday, January 21, 2014

End of 2013 and beginning of 2014...all awesome.

The end of last year had a lot of accomplishments. This new year has brought a lot of happiness already. Alex graduated in Business Finance from BYUI! Both of our parents came to celebrate! Jade was super stoked obviously….

I am so proud of Alex. He finished his last semester all at the same time as studying for the dreaded LSAT. Not only did he graduate but he hit his target score on the LSAT. We have already heard good news from a couple law schools. We are still waiting on some Canadian schools and a few more in the states. Major decision are coming up soon!

Our move from Rexburg was flawless. Uhaul booked a truck that was bigger than the one I singed up for and because they messed up, paid ME more than I paid originally. So we basically made money on our easy move. Alex's friends came to help us move our boxes and we were done in an hour! Stress free….love it.

As our last Rexburg outing we ventured with friends to the famous "Big Juds".

My sister in law Graduated at BYU- Hawaii too! We were so sad we couldn't be in Hawaii to celebrate in the sun. Anyone recognize that man on the very left? :) Plus, Michelle is fabulous looking in that cap and gown don't you think?

Alex's Bball team won the championship. 

After the move, the travelling began.We drove to Bend Oregon to spend the Christmas holidays with the Stevens clan. I can't even express how much I appreciate the in laws that I have. They are so similar to my family and it makes me feel so at home. At the same time, they add some new dimensions that I really enjoy. We went to some caves, snowmobiling, snowboarding, played a lot of games and ate some great food! 

After New Years, we drove to Canada where we will be for the next 4 months. We stayed part way in Sand Point, Idaho. It was BEAUTIFUL! We put Jade on the bathroom floor. I know great parenting right? Don't worry we cushioned it :) The next day we stayed at Brittany's house. We got to get together for the annual "Cousin's party"! Then we woke up to a gourmet breakfast my Aunt Sandra prepared. Then we finally made the last leg to Medicine Hat. And we have been here for several weeks now!

Since we have been in the Hat we have been to a bunch of Hockey games which are always my favourite. And we have had good company at the games too!

Brittany and autumn came to visit! Brittany supplied me with more bows! haha. I was just so happy to have someone who enjoys games as much as I do. So we played a lot of games and caught up on life.

Alex celebrated his 26th birthday yesterday. He is boarder line old but it's okay because he doesn't look it one bit. We went out for Chinese food at the infamous "Hat's" restaurant. We then devoured a turtle cheesecake I made. My Mom seriously has the best most perfect recipes. And then I gave him his present!.......Hedley tickets! Alex and I share a love for music and I thought it would be so fun to go together and jam out. We. Can't. Wait.

Jade Updates:
-10 months
-Eats anything and everything…surprise surprise
-Doesn't drink a lot of milk anymore.
-Is resisting crawling despite my Mother and I's training sessions. Maybe by the time she is 1? haha. oh dear.
-Sleeps well, except when she is sick….then she sleeps like a newborn. Yay. {sarcasm intended}
-says yeah, no, dad, dada, pants like a dog, makes monkey noises "eeee eee" and says "ta da" (with her hands above her head) all on command.
-Claps, waves goodbye,  and dances on command.
-Holds her bottle and feeds herself…FINALLY.
-Drinks from a straw
-This month she especially loves baths, standing, cheerios, greek yogurt, frozen peas, fruit smoothies, bubbles, Grandpa, being out in the general public, sleeping, dancing, music and mimicking Mommy.

Did I mention I love being home? Because I do. People keep asking me how it is to move home?….It's awesome. It's only temporary and I feel blessed that my parents are so generous and selfless. Every apartment we tried to get into was at least a six month contract so my parents offered their house. They thought they were empty nesters :) But Alex is learning so much about my Dad's business that is priceless to us. Every day he gains confidence in law and business and actually enjoys the work.

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