Saturday, February 22, 2014

Canada Adventures starting with STOMP

From now on I am going to start doing my blog by activity rather than a jumble of a whole months worth of activities. That way i can find old posts easier, and it's more focused and organized.

My Mom and Dad were informed of the death of my Dad's aunt and last minute drove to Utah to attend the funeral. My Mom was planning on going to the STOMP concert that weekend, so I got to use her ticket in her place. Stomp was unblievable. Making songs from wacking ordinary objects at incredible speeds. I couldn't blink the whole time. I was in great company too! :)

After this concert and with the olympics going on, I can't help but think about MY talents and all the talents I have left on the shelf to get dusty. Guitar, singing, flute, drawing, reading, piano, basketball, running...the list goes on. Motherhood has shifted my priorities. For a second, I let myself feel bad about it. Then I took the next couple days to slap myself in the face. Motherhood is my most important talent that I will always be working on.  An intricate talent to say the least. A talent you can never just put on the shelf and forget about. It's too important.  Every day I find myself grasping more and more balance in my life. This week, Jade and I ventured over to the public library. We both picked out books to read. For the first time in a while, I find my nose in a good old fashioned book. Refreshing. Balance. Joy. Love. Happiness. Everyday I find more time in my day that months previous I didn't feel I had. Mothering Jade is starting to feel...easy. Yes, knowing Jade inside and out has taken me almost a year...but i'm okay with that. I guess that's how motherhood works, just when you master a child, you add another, take on a new project, school or all of the above and then more adjusting has to be made. But for now, I'm happy with the peaceful months ahead before guilt sets in and exciting yet scary family addition decisions need to be made. Then, I will bask in the phenomenon that my heart can expand even more without bursting. I love motherhood. I love my family. And I love that it can only get better (bigger)!!!

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