Sunday, February 23, 2014

Old friends reunited.

Lately I have met up with a lot of old friends. It has been great fun to see where life has taken them! 

We love hanging with Keith and Steph!

I haven't talked to Robin in FOREVER but was able to meet for lunch with her and Steph. It's nice to see people not change. This means they were true to themselves all along. Don't get me wrong, she has changed but her core values, personality and bubbly nature has remained. I hope to catch up again soon. 

What can I say about Carly Caixiero. Uhm...she is perfection. Most people lose their "shine" once you know everything about them. Not Carly, she only gets better. We know each other so well it's probably weird haha. 

Kenzie has wandered over to see me a couple times too! I honestly love this girl. She ignores my lame excuses and shows up to make me party with her. It's exactly what I need. Someone to be like, "Tiff, I don't care you haven't showered in a week, get your butt out here and do cartwheels with me." K, she has never said that but it is a likely statement to escape her mouth. 

Nothing like meeting up with old high school friends to make you realize how much you have changed in the past couple years. I graduated in 2010. NOT THAT LONG AGO. seems like a different life ago. I hated highschool. I loved highschool. Both statements are true. People always tell you that highschool friendships don't matter because once you graduate, life happens and you won't remain friends. They are right. They are wrong. Both statements are true. You won't always remain friends. True. High school friendships don't really matter. False. I have drifted from so many of my best friends who once consumed my young mind. BUT if I would have thought logically, that these friendships weren't worth cultivating, I would have missed out on having those memories or the feeling of love and happiness that I felt. Daily. My friends back then were loyal, funny, caring, compassionate and beautiful. We would have taken bullets for each other. For those of you I haven't talked to since we threw our grad caps together, I still value you. Because you created my childhood. A great one! For those of you I still talk to. Thank you for sticking with me, despite my flakey appearances and lame distance excuses. I still love you. Life happens but friends are always important, no matter how temporary they could be. 

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