Thursday, July 17, 2014

16 Months Jade Is...

I have fallen behind on months and months of blogging. It gets hard to blog after it's been so long. I didn't know where to start. But I found a great reason to blog!!!..Jade is 16 months!!

Jade Updates:

Says: purple, yellow, autumn, jade, mom, mommy, mamma, dada, dad, daddy, hi, uh oh, ow, wow, wee, no, NO, yeah, sit, yessss, sssss, diaper, please, thank you, hahaha(evil laugh on command), puppy, out, cheese, mmmm, night night, bye, bye bye, pretty, back pack, nice and rum rum rum(car sounds). Lot's of these aren't said perfectly but she is consistent in how she says them and gets better and better.

Does: claps, pounds it, high fives, laughs, screams(for play and anger), walks, runs, climbs, gets off the couch, hangs off her high chair when she is hungry, sign language "more", waves, straws, cups, knows how to push up a freezie or for those reading from the states "otter pops", open and close doors, knows to not eat rocks at the park, stairs, kisses, hugs and sings.

Likes: YOGURT, cheese, goldfish, chicken, her back pack, freezies, climbing, her car seat, her mom (she thinks I'm so funny, like anything I do cracks her up. It's a real confidence booster. Until I remember she's a one year old.), hats, necklaces (prettys), Autumn, skyping, holding hands, kisses, parks, water parks, water, baths, sleeping, clapping, kicking her soccer ball, knocking and grass.

Hates: Getting changed, not getting her way(it's like she's a one year old or something), noodles, brushing her teeth, people eating in front of her and being held instead of letting her walk into the store. 

**I may have or may not have missed jotting down some of the awesome things she does.
**I may have or may not have missed jotting down just how dang cute she is. I love this little "weeb".

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