Thursday, August 21, 2014

Our new adventure... Michigan

Our trip to our new home in Detroit was eventful to say the least. It started out with sad goodbyes(with my family), then there was a lot of hard work packing our belongings into the moving truck in Rexburg and then it turned into a much needed break in Utah to visit Tom, Ramona, Tina, Niz, Stacey and Kamrie, Pax, Sky, Linds, Cathryn, John and Colby. We played games, relaxed, held babies, ate and caught up. It was so nice to see them because it has been too long. Then only a couple hours out of Utah, our truck broke down. We glided into the shoulder of the freeway and called budget trucks. They sent out a mechanic that took 3 hours.3 HOURS!!  He spent an hour under our truck to only figure out that the oil ran out because budget never checked the oil before they gave it to us. Vehicle 101, I'd say. The engine was shot which he told us was a 22 thousand dollar motor. Yikes! Then they told us they were sending out a tow truck to take us to the nearest hotel. Which sounds nice right? Well that only took 5 more hours. We tried to entertain Jade in the ditch and in the hot smoldering truck with no AC. Finally the tow truck came and he took over an hour to hook it up and then FINALLY took us to a hotel. It was an insanely tiring day. The next day it took them until 5:30 pm to get us another truck and to transfer our things to the new truck. We were two days behind on traveling and sleep. Finally we were back on the road! We met up with our Realtor to get the keys to our house and we found out that we needed cashiers checks for our rent and couldn't do cash. One thing. after. another. Our realtor failed to mention this and all of the banks were closed for the night so we were stuck getting another hotel only blocks from our new home. It was frustrating but the next morning we switched our bank to a bank recognized here on the east coast, got cashiers checks and met to finally get our keys to move in. Relief! We lacked help moving in so it took us all day just the two of us moving in all of our things. Let's just say Jade was neglected that day. We worked with budget to get a discount on our truck and reimbursement for food and hotels. That helped heal the wound that they caused and we kinda laugh about it now. Kinda. Now Alex is at school everyday, learning the law or something. But Alex is actually enjoying his classes and his schools. We are almost completely unpacked but we have a lot of organizing to do. Jade loves her backyard! So do I! We love the plentiful trees, melting pot of ethnicities, neighbours, our ward, and the weekends that we get to spend quality time with each other. This adventure started out rocky but is turning into a dream come true! Cheer to the next 3 years.

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