Saturday, November 29, 2014

We're even Stevens this April

We woke up early to go to our gender revealing ultrasound when I was just 17 weeks pregnant. I was nervous they wouldn't be able to tell us quite yet because I was still not too far along. But those fears were dissolved after they told us they were 100% on the gender of this baby. Jade kept saying WOW and BABY the whole ultrasound. She has been really getting into the baby-lovin stage by taking care of her dolls around the house. I often find her feeding, holding and going for walks with her babies. It's definitely exciting to see because before we know it we will have another precious child of God enter our home for good. The ultrasound was all good news because the baby looks VERY healthy, very cute and is very much a BOY! If Alex and I are honest, we really wanted a boy this time. Well, I even wanted a boy the first time. So when the ultrasound tech told us that it was in fact a boy we were stunned. How often do you get the gender you secretly want? I guess you have a 50/50 chance…but still…we felt lucky. Now we will have both genders to even out our family..for now at least. Having a girl was way more fun than I even anticipated. And now we are about to experience the unique fun that every boy comes with. 

I feel those kicks!!

The tech said his head isn't hollow. The angle of the ultrasound just makes it look that way.

I hope his thumb isn't as big as it looks :)

I hope he grows up to be like his Daddy. I so badly want this for him. My in laws raised an amazing man. I want more than anything for our son to develop Alex's kindness. His true nature is to be a peace maker. He has an incredible balance of leadership and humility. He nurtures more than I ever expected the father of my children would. He lights up my world and allows me to see my potential more vividly. I've never known someone so aware of my needs. I am continuously having moments where I think…and this is why you married him. I want our son to reflect those same feelings in his future wife. I know God has a plan for this tiny boy in my belly. I feel God's love for him daily. He has innate qualities, a special presence and will fill a void that our family will be unaware of until the day he arrives.  

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