Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Leo at 4 months old

I'd like to say that my absence on my blog is due to anything but laziness but sadly folks..that's just not the case. This is my attempt at coming out of this lazy baby phase. Leo is already 4 months old and let me tell you, he has rooted his way so deep into our hearts. This love is permanent.

-Leo is holding his head very well but still is pretty weak at tummy time. (Probably due to our kids having large craniums)
-I can get Leo to laugh all the time now, if I'm willing to put in the effort and get my dance shoes on. The more embarrassed I should be, the better the laugh.
-He is drinking 6 oz per feeding as of late.
-He sleeps fairly well. He usually does an 8 hour stretch and then another 4 at night.
-His bedtime is 7pm and his waketime/mom alarm is 7 am.
-His hair has turned very blonde as well as thinned out.
-Leo is still swaddled for naps and bedtime.
-Leo loves his play mat and can swat at toys for a good amount of time.
-He is getting a hang of the jumper but it tires him out so much, he instantly has to take a nap after.
-He has a love/hate relationship with his sister. His eyes get real big out of fear when he hears her coming his way, but he also loves watching her run around and cause trouble.
-He is a big talker and coos almost instantly when you give him any sort of attention. (2nd child much?)
-He loves being outside as long as he is in the shade. 
-Loves his carseat! 
-Loves baths
-Loves to be sitting up or standing.
Here are some pictures and videos of Leo's adventures this past month. We love this little man of ours! 

Leo and his newest cousin, Saige! Poor Saige was being paparazzi'd right after a long drive in the car and right before feeding time. Leo just looks confused.

Wiggling around while we watch big sister play at the park

Cousin friends bonding over the baby. Leo never turns down attention.

Gwen looooooooooved Leo. She was always found by Leo's side.

Leo and Paxton are just a week apart...can't you tell?

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