Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Cousin Overload Week

My sister Natalie and I decided a while back to each go on a couples vacation while the other one babysits all the kiddos. Just a couple weeks ago, Natalie and Dave went to Florida. Natalie and Dave have never spent a night away from the kids since their first child was born who is now 6 years old! Talk about deserving parents! We were so happy to get some of the cousins together to create lasting memories while their parents did the same! For all you mommas out there that have 6 or more children (this including my Mother in law), you rock! My sister has always been my go to guru when it comes to motherhood, she is a wonderful mother! Her children are AMAZING as a result of her inspired mothering, the gospel and their innate personal qualities. I enjoyed getting to know each one of them on a deeper level, as I served them, played with them, learned from them and giggled with them. We had an extremely fun week with them.

Landon is the best big brother that Easton, Oaklyn and Paxton could ever ask for! He is smart, tender, deliberate, well mannered, sweet, funny, creative, thoughtful and obedient! 

Easton is the life of the party! He is kind, peacemaking, loving, giving, eager, bright eyed, silly, honest, creative, a team player and sincere.

Oaklyn is the real deal! She is helpful, smart, obedient, talented, inquisitive, kind, energetic, nurturing, grounded and huggable! I'll never forget the hug she gave me that plowed me right over! :)

Paxton is a dream baby! He is strong, easily pleased, cool as can be and one happy guy!

I love these little humans so much. I shed a few tears giving them back to their rightful owners. Here are some picture memories I hold very dear to my heart.

Off to Florida!

Working in their "work shop"
Balloon paddle making

Park fun

There was no limit to tea parties

Some days, we got up early enough to see the sun rise :)

Colored tablets in the bath, caused deep discussions by these two mermaids

Puppet making

Easton's vampire puppet

Landon's Ghost puppet

Paxton is a champ eater

He is also a champ sleeper

Obstacle courses

Snack time

They loved watching the train by our house go by throughout the day

The bad guys had to be put in jail by the police women

Personal pan pizzas, constructed by all the mini chefs

More park fun

These boys had a successful cider sale making a total of $35.32

Caramel apples after pumpkin carving

Decorating their caramel apples

Easton carved Pumpkin man's face out, and Landon picked out the only non face stencil in the book :) He did a great job carving it!

This stair slide was so fast.

A big bed of cuties

They wrote letters to their parents :)
Chef hats
Helpful co chefs waiting "patiently"

McDonald's play place fun.

Bath paint and endless giggles

Two boys just "hanging out"
We had our hands full, but our hearts were just as full!

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