Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Birth Story of Wes Gregory Stevens

How dare you people think such rude things of me. I know you're thinking to your self "wasn't Wes born months ago?", "Why are we just seeing his birth blog now?" or, "Man I bet Tiff is overwhelmed with 3 kids and can't get her life together." Yeah but I guess if I'm honest with're right. My life right now is ultra crazy. A week after Wes was born, our family packed up and moved from our home in Detroit Michigan. We traveled across the country to spend our summer at my family's cabin in Bigfork Montana while Alex studied for the US bar exam. It was a long week of traveling but thanks to Niz (Alex's little sister), caffeine and the Moana soundtrack, we made it the 23 hours to Montana. We spent a beautiful 6 weeks in Montana. Alex's entire family came to stay while we were there to attend Wes' baby blessing. We will always cherish all the great memories made in Montana this summer. At the end of July, we ventured over to Oregon where Alex was to take the bar exam. We spent a few weeks there and our kids were spoiled with attention from Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Niz. Alex took the bar exam (bye student life--forever!!) and then we finally made our way to Peace River Alberta for Alex's law articles all before Wes was 3 months. This boy has really spoiled us with his sweet nature and sleeping habits. But it didn't start out that way in the beginning. Wes pulled a fast one on me, literally..and forced me into an all natural birth. Don't mind me, I'll just be cringing over here as I revisit the details of Wes' birthday..

I had an induction date scheduled and arrived in the Dearborn Michigan OB triage at 6:50 PM May 18th for initial registration and monitoring. At 7:30 PM the nurse checked and I was 4 cm dilated (which wasn't news to me as I had been this dilated for weeks. OUCH), head low, cervix very soft and still waiting for a room. At 7:40  PM we got into our room and were just waiting on our nurse Anna. Our nurse got approval from our doctor to do a "natural induction" which is basically to break my water instead of inducing with pitocin and to see if my body would just kick into action. At 7:55 PM they put my IV port in. At 8:10 PM they broke my water. At 8:25 PM the nurse came in and told us that I was contracting every three minutes and I was surprised because I wasn't feeling the contractions too strongly yet. Not even a minute later I was feeling the contractions VERY strong. At 8:30 PM they hooked up my IV fluid. I then asked for an epidural. I looked at Alex in between contractions and through tears told him that I was scared that I wasn't gonna get an epidural in time. I asked him to pray that I would. He paused, held my hand and told me that he felt like I was right and to prep myself for the real thing. I knew it was true but I couldn't accept it fully. Every contraction was SO REAL. I could literally feel him exiting my body and the pain was extreme misery. The anesthesiologist was next door, giving another woman her epidural (yay for her--sarcasm intended) and I was told she would be in as soon as she could (Mmmmhm..big eye roll). I knew I was only a few contractions away from having to push. At 9:25 PM, a few contractions later the anesthesiology came in. I told my nurse that I needed to push very soon. She asked if I wanted her to check how dilated I was or if i just wanted to get the epidural as fast as possible. Her body language told me, I was a goner but I was too scared for her to check if I was dilated because deep down I knew I was fully dilated. I held back the urge to push as much as I could and begged for the epidural. I could hardly sit up for the epidural because I felt as though I was sitting on the baby's head (which I probably was--slrry not sorry Wes). They put the needle in and before they could even hook me up to the pump, I laid back and finally accepted that it was too late. He was coming. It all happened so fast. I waited for an epidural that was seconds too late. I started pushing at 9:35 PM. At 9:40 PM, a few contractions later Wes Gregory Stevens was born! 6 lbs. 1 oz. 19 inches.

It took us until the next day to commit to a name. We were deciding between Wes, Russ, Huck and Pete. We did however feel confident in his middle name being Gregory. We know a wonderful Gregory who my kids adore and like to call Grandpa. Alex's dad is a strong link in the Steven's family chain. He inspires me to be diligent, loving and Christ centered. Blessings come to generations that do so, and I'm so blessed to have married a man that was taught these principals. Alex and I couldn't decide on his first name and the deliberations were intense and long. Alex wanted Wes while I was leaning towards Russ. We both ended up committing to Wes, some more confident about the choice than others. haha When we think of WES' name we like to think of our big move back WESt and how it took place only a week after he was born.

Even with how great my recovery was, I would still never choose natural labor. Just sayin'. I was very thankful it was all so fast (an hour and half to be exact from when they broke my water). Thank goodness for that. The little guy has been making up for it ever since though. He is as sweet as they come. I can't say enough good things about him. Brother and sister are smitten with him and we are finally getting into a rhythm that I feel is sustainable. So we are all gonna make it okay and survive so..God is good and life is beautiful. Thanks to everyone who has made it this far in the post. I wish you all could meet sweet Wes Gregory. He's as sweet as sugar and as cute as can be. 


1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful family! Great story! I had both children so natural. My second was born in 3 hrs.... only 10min at the hospital when he came out! They didn't even have time to call the doctor!
