Friday, January 25, 2013

33.5 weeks

 Pregnancy Updates:

Belly button officially has popped out! ha. The worst symptom lately is insomnia. I can't sleep, I can't get comfortable and I can't even nap. It's awful. I get a lot of homework done though while Alex collects his Zzzzzzz's.

Alex and I picked a name for our little one! It could change between two names depending on what exactly she looks like. But we are so close to a for sure's so fun!!

Lately we have been to a million and one doctors appointments and there are still tons to come! We have TWO ultrasounds next week! We had one this week and here are some pictures!

This is her from a frontal view. She is one creepy skeleton. haha.

These pictures she is always turning away and not cooperating.

Apparently my fluid has gone down again and my placenta continues to age faster than the norm but she is still looking fabulous. She is smaller, in the 26th percentile, but they continue to tell me, they aren't worried about that unless she stops gaining weight. She weighs FOUR POUNDS :) They are keeping a close close eye on her which eases Alex's and I's worries.

Life Updates:

This week I decorated for the next upcoming holiday....VALENTINES :) Growing up, my Mom always made this holiday huge. She would make everything heart shaped, pink and red that day. She would deliver heart shaped pizza to me and all my friends at school, write special notes, and prepare fancy dancy meals. So this year, I thought I would start early with this holiday to tribute my Mom's traditions :)

My Mom sent this to me in a Valentine Day package my Freshman year. It takes up a whole corner of our living room! He is HUGEEEE! Great stuff. 

Alex had his 25th Birthday this week. A whole quarter of a century!!! We had some friends over and ate some of Alex's requests. It was a fun time and his last Birthday not being a full time Daddy.

For FHE this week we had another couple from our ward over to play games. Alex and I relearned Settlers of Catan and had a blast!

Alex left yesterday on a mandatory school camping trip and won't be back until Saturday. I am so so sad here at home by myself. I have tried to keep busy with sewing projects and cleaning, but so far, I just really miss that boy and WANT HIM HOME!

This next weekend, my cousin JARED LEE MACDONALD is coming to stay at our house! We cannot wait! I have missed him extremely! 

Well this upcoming week is going to be SUPER! Jared is coming, baby is growing, Alex is home and we get TWO ULTRASOUNDS!

Friday, January 18, 2013

32.5 weeks....

32.5 weeks!

This week has been great!

Besides Monday when Alex and I woke up to hypothermia temperatures in our house. Electricity in the entire city of Rexburg went out. My first thought...."OH NO...THE FRIDGE/FREEZER." Then I's probably colder in here than the freezer usually is. Alex's work was closed so we laid in bed in fetal position. Finally, lights turned on and I made my way out of bed to crank up the heater. Finally, we were able to go on with our day!

This week I have been clearing out our storage and selling stuff we don't use on the bullitin board. Who knew our junk was worth so much!?

Our neighbours moved across the country and gave us a bunch of free diapers! We were pretty pleased with this.

The only thing we have left to buy for the baby is a dresser/change table. SO if you know of anyone who is getting rid of one...let this girl know!

Tonight, Alex and I went to the Vocal Point Concert. It was fabulous! They are so cheesey and so great!

This week I have been receiving phone calls from my parents, Natalie and the boys who are baking in the Florida sun. They have been enjoying Disney World all week! Landon and Easton sound like they are having the time of their little lives! Alex and I asked Landon how the heat was and he explained to us that "the sun makes the hot and the hot makes the sun"....makes sense to me? haha. Love that boy!

So this baby may or may not come early with all these small complications of low fluid, aging placenta and gestational diabetes. So let's start the bets! When do YOU think baby Stevens is arriving?

I have an ultrasound this Wednesday so next week will have more information and updates! Alex is coming and we can't wait to see her little face!

Alex leaves on a mandatory school camping trip this coming weekend. I need TV show suggestions....because this weekend is going to be very very very very lonely. 

ONLY 7.5 weeks left! wooo!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

31 weeks! Baby Shower and a million ultrasounds later.

 Pictures from my WONDERFUL Baby Shower when I was 28 weeks!!!!

It's been a while since I posted anything! This is due to an overwhelming amount of greatness that has been happening.

The Christmas holidays in Canada was exactly what Alex and I needed. We relaxed, relaxed AND RELAXED some more!

Some things we did in Canada:

Snow mobiling 
Set up elf on the shelf for our little nephews
Watched bowl games non stop
Ate non stop
Ordered Hat's Chinese food
Girl's day out shopping along with a Boston Pizza visit
Babysat Autumn and let me tell you, she was a dream. I'm in love with her little face.
Went to my Baby Shower hosted by the Hill's! It was adorable and well done! They are the best second family to me in the world!
Scored my parents old plasma tv!!
Watched the Christmas lights in Medicine Hat! Beautiful!
Hot tubbed (excluding this pregnant lady)
Went to the annual COUSIN'S party! Which included Fire Stone, a free virgin drink for expecting mothers, and seeing all my wonderful cousins!
Seeing my Grandmother and helping her move to her new home!
Having the Macdonalds come and visit us in the Hat and play monopoly almost a million times. I still have never won that ridiculous game.
Making homemade turtles!
Brittany teaching me how to make hair bows for our baby girl!
Yogen Fruz
Le Miz
The Hobbit
Tooty Fruity
Moxie's White Chocolate brownie
2 Hockey games!
Tim Hortons
Dwindle every day.
Turkey Dinner
My Mom's famous Tort and turtle cheesecake...enough said.

This Christmas has been the best because it was my first Christmas being complete with Alex. Love that boy to bits! He spoiled me!

This Christmas could have been even better if were graced with Jordan and Heather's presence! But we  don't blame them, DISNEYLAND is a good trade ANYDAY! Can't wait to hear about their adventures this holiday! This is an invitation for Jordan to PHONE his BABY SISTER :)

This was at a little over 31 weeks!:) She is just sucking her big deal.
So since i have been back in Rexburg I have had TWO ultrasounds! Baby Stevens gets cuter and cuter every time I see her...I swear. She is getting a little too big and low for good ultrasound pictures unfortunately. At my first ultrasound this week they informed me that her development was perfect but that my fluid was in the bottom 5 percentile. SCARY! They told me if it gets any lower that they will have to deliver her early. We are praying that this doesn't happen because I don't think she is quite ready yet and either am I!!! They scheduled me for another ultrasound in Idaho Falls where they have a better ultrasound machine. This machine can determine the pressures and quality of the placenta and fluid. When I made the appointment i was told to drink 32 oz of fluid and to hold my bladder. Later int he week they phoned me to reschedule my appointment for two hours later and again reminded me to drink that fluid! Ultrasound day came and Upon driving the drive to Idaho Falls, I drank a ridiculous amount of water. Painful enough you think? No. I ended up waiting in the waiting room for an hour and half past my appointment time. I didn't know whether i was going to puke or wet myself. I asked the receptionist how much longer it was going to be because I wasn't feeling so good. She then asked how far along I was. I told her I was 31 weeks and a couple days. She laughed and told me I didn't have to drink ANY water if i was that far along and that i could have had a dry bladder. I WAS LIVID! I think they just wanted some mid day entertainment in that medical center because that experience was AWFUL and UNNECESSARY! Alex sure thought it was funny.....I still need time.

This ultrasound was extra long and I got to watch our baby for a half hour! She was fluttering her tongue and punching Mom the whole way through! In this ultrasound they found out that my placenta is aging faster than it should at 31 weeks. This is also not good news. They told us we would have an ultrasound every 2 weeks to monitor both my placenta and fluid and everything might be okay until full term. We sure hope so! Thank you to friends and family who have had us in their prayers!

This last week SPENCER, my cousin came over for Sunday Supper! It was great to see him after 2 years of mission! I am so excited he will be living in Rexburg for a while :)

I started a quilt with my Mom for the baby! here it is thus far!

I still have to do the ribbon binding around the edge..but it is almost done!!!

I think I will be better at blogging now that holidays are over and my schedule is back on!

Oh yeah.....HAPPY 2013!