Friday, January 18, 2013

32.5 weeks....

32.5 weeks!

This week has been great!

Besides Monday when Alex and I woke up to hypothermia temperatures in our house. Electricity in the entire city of Rexburg went out. My first thought...."OH NO...THE FRIDGE/FREEZER." Then I's probably colder in here than the freezer usually is. Alex's work was closed so we laid in bed in fetal position. Finally, lights turned on and I made my way out of bed to crank up the heater. Finally, we were able to go on with our day!

This week I have been clearing out our storage and selling stuff we don't use on the bullitin board. Who knew our junk was worth so much!?

Our neighbours moved across the country and gave us a bunch of free diapers! We were pretty pleased with this.

The only thing we have left to buy for the baby is a dresser/change table. SO if you know of anyone who is getting rid of one...let this girl know!

Tonight, Alex and I went to the Vocal Point Concert. It was fabulous! They are so cheesey and so great!

This week I have been receiving phone calls from my parents, Natalie and the boys who are baking in the Florida sun. They have been enjoying Disney World all week! Landon and Easton sound like they are having the time of their little lives! Alex and I asked Landon how the heat was and he explained to us that "the sun makes the hot and the hot makes the sun"....makes sense to me? haha. Love that boy!

So this baby may or may not come early with all these small complications of low fluid, aging placenta and gestational diabetes. So let's start the bets! When do YOU think baby Stevens is arriving?

I have an ultrasound this Wednesday so next week will have more information and updates! Alex is coming and we can't wait to see her little face!

Alex leaves on a mandatory school camping trip this coming weekend. I need TV show suggestions....because this weekend is going to be very very very very lonely. 

ONLY 7.5 weeks left! wooo!


  1. You have already made it longer than me! Hold that baby in there as long as you can the NICU is the worst!! You look so awesome and tiny still... Jealous! My fave tv show on lonely days is always modern family, it's hilarious. But just relax before this cute baby girl comes!

  2. I say 2.5 weeks early!
    Also, I just started watching Downtown Abbey (some other girls suggested it). Not bad if you are into 1920's scandals!
    You look great Tiff!!!
