Friday, January 25, 2013

33.5 weeks

 Pregnancy Updates:

Belly button officially has popped out! ha. The worst symptom lately is insomnia. I can't sleep, I can't get comfortable and I can't even nap. It's awful. I get a lot of homework done though while Alex collects his Zzzzzzz's.

Alex and I picked a name for our little one! It could change between two names depending on what exactly she looks like. But we are so close to a for sure's so fun!!

Lately we have been to a million and one doctors appointments and there are still tons to come! We have TWO ultrasounds next week! We had one this week and here are some pictures!

This is her from a frontal view. She is one creepy skeleton. haha.

These pictures she is always turning away and not cooperating.

Apparently my fluid has gone down again and my placenta continues to age faster than the norm but she is still looking fabulous. She is smaller, in the 26th percentile, but they continue to tell me, they aren't worried about that unless she stops gaining weight. She weighs FOUR POUNDS :) They are keeping a close close eye on her which eases Alex's and I's worries.

Life Updates:

This week I decorated for the next upcoming holiday....VALENTINES :) Growing up, my Mom always made this holiday huge. She would make everything heart shaped, pink and red that day. She would deliver heart shaped pizza to me and all my friends at school, write special notes, and prepare fancy dancy meals. So this year, I thought I would start early with this holiday to tribute my Mom's traditions :)

My Mom sent this to me in a Valentine Day package my Freshman year. It takes up a whole corner of our living room! He is HUGEEEE! Great stuff. 

Alex had his 25th Birthday this week. A whole quarter of a century!!! We had some friends over and ate some of Alex's requests. It was a fun time and his last Birthday not being a full time Daddy.

For FHE this week we had another couple from our ward over to play games. Alex and I relearned Settlers of Catan and had a blast!

Alex left yesterday on a mandatory school camping trip and won't be back until Saturday. I am so so sad here at home by myself. I have tried to keep busy with sewing projects and cleaning, but so far, I just really miss that boy and WANT HIM HOME!

This next weekend, my cousin JARED LEE MACDONALD is coming to stay at our house! We cannot wait! I have missed him extremely! 

Well this upcoming week is going to be SUPER! Jared is coming, baby is growing, Alex is home and we get TWO ULTRASOUNDS!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to hear your little girl's name and see pictures. And for your sleeping...make sure and double check with your Doctor but Tylenol PM is safe to take during pregnancy...that about the only way I made it through the last month pregnant with my baby #2! And I also know some women who took Benadryl, but the whole PM thing was enough to make me a believer. Good luck with the last few weeks!
