Friday, April 4, 2014

Cancun is days away...

CANCUN CANCUN CANCUN!!!!!!! I can't think of anything else! This week I have been prepping for our trip. I have been cleaning, packing, organizing, running errands, forcing in more cuddle times with Jade and daydreaming. This trip I am going to try and not worry about Jade, because she is in great hands! This trip I am going to be selfish with my husband because I want to enjoy every minute I have him to myself to the fullest. This trip I am going to party so stinking much! WOOOOOOOO! SUNSHINE!!! CANCUN CANCUN CANCUN!!!!!!!!!

Yet I'm going to miss this cute cute child! Cause' seriously she is perfect.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Canadian border doesn't understand April FOOLS!

Today has been probably the worst day ever. But maybe one day we will look back at this and laugh? Maybe. Some day far, far away. April Fools is supposed to be all fun and games right? NO!!!!! Not this time around. The last two days I have spent all my time on the phone with service Canada. Alex's visitor's visa expires today and all we wanted to do was extend it. But NO, that is too easy. After scanning a million documents and waiting on hold for hours, we were told Alex would have to come to the border to figure things out. So I called Alex at work and he was a good sport. He left on his 2 hour journey to the border. I got a call from Alex at the border saying that that specific border didn't deal with this issue and they won't let him back in Canada. Yeah, like he is a real criminal. COMMON!!! So currently he is driving to the next border several hours away to try and enter back in. Yeah, I hope I get my husband back! I'm just waiting for the border to say, "April Fools! Just Jokes!". But I know this is for real and that reality is LAME. I miss my illegal, immigrant, probably tired, border hopping, criminal of a husband! COME BACK!

SO I stumbled on this cartoon that pretty much sums up the lack of communication and ridiculousness of the USA/Canada border. Canada let my husband back in. What else do you need from us? 


Random greatness.

So lately I've had quite a bit of fun. Stephie treated me to Med Hat swirls. Red velvet ice cream? I think so! I love her and am going to miss her way too much. I wish I had a pocket Steph to come with me everywhere!

 Tino's opened up for the season and boy did we take advantage. We have been twice already! Jade loved it too. 

 I partied with Kristy and Kenzie. We ate popcorn, wrapped things, talked, laughed and played dress up. We were really tired and delusional. But nothing out of our norm.

Tigers are in the playoffs! We have seriously enjoyed going to Tiger's hockey games. Last game we went to we ended up sitting behind my parents. Intermissions are 20 minutes each so we got bored. After eating candy, I disgarded of the trash into my dad's jacket. People around us started noticing and laughing. Throughout the game we had people passing us garbage to attempt to add to the collection. Our whole section had a good laugh. My Dad did too once we got in the car and I sent him this picture....I really do love him. I love how our family can joke.

My Dad is such a good sport!

My 22nd Birthday

My birthday was of course fabulous because birthdays always seem to be that way! I got to sleep in, thanks to Alex and woke up to a bathed baby! The night before Alex was in the kitchen for a couple hours making my favourite dessert of all time...TORTE!!!! It was so good, especially for my birthday breakfast and throughout this past week :) Then Alex took me to an Indian Restaurant for supper. Indian is always a good choice. I love birthdays and this one was no exception. Thank you to everyone who called, texted, emailed, and fb'd. I can't believe I'm no longer 21.

Hard at work the night before...

This recipe is completely from scratch so I was pretty impressed!

Final product.

Indian food...mmm...