Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My 22nd Birthday

My birthday was of course fabulous because birthdays always seem to be that way! I got to sleep in, thanks to Alex and woke up to a bathed baby! The night before Alex was in the kitchen for a couple hours making my favourite dessert of all time...TORTE!!!! It was so good, especially for my birthday breakfast and throughout this past week :) Then Alex took me to an Indian Restaurant for supper. Indian is always a good choice. I love birthdays and this one was no exception. Thank you to everyone who called, texted, emailed, and fb'd. I can't believe I'm no longer 21.

Hard at work the night before...

This recipe is completely from scratch so I was pretty impressed!

Final product.

Indian food...mmm...

1 comment:

  1. I need all of this in my belly! Glad you had a great bday!
