Sunday, December 13, 2015

Halloween 2015

I am feeling extreme mom guilt about not documenting our life lately. Halloween was amazing! This year we wanted to pay tribute to Jade's obsession this year, BUGS. But not just any bugs, BIG BUGS! Shortly before Leo was born, Jade and I were at home, potty training(THE worst). While walking back to my throne aka the couch one day(pregnancy is hard guys), I discovered THE MOST MASSIVE BUG on our wall. I screamed completely freaked out and was completely unaware that Jade was glued to the whole show I was putting on by flailing my arms and shrieking like a mad woman. Next thing I know, Jade was mimicking me freaking out every chance she got. She would talk about the big bug constantly. It was funny for a while but then I started to worry that I had scarred her beyond repair. 6 MONTHS went by and it was still her favorite topic. SO to remember this past year accurately, Jade was a lady bug or as she used to say, a "BIG BUG". I am very happy to say that the big bug FINALLY has been dropped from her favorite go-to conversations. Now that I am a mom it's very hard to sew as much as I used to, so I take the excuse every Halloween to get out my sewing machine. Jade's ladybug costume had a cape and she kept telling the people at every door that she was a super hero lady bug. Leo was the "Very Hungry Caterpillar". Mostly because it was easy to make..let's be real here. Alex and I dressed up as "Pest Control" for our ward halloween party. Some days it feels like all I do is try and "control" the bugs and their madness, so pest control suited us just fine :) Jade REALLY REALLY enjoyed saying trick or treat, staying up late, dressing up, seeing all the costumes roam our streets and of course most importantly the sugar. 

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