Sunday, February 3, 2013

Almost 35 weeks!

This week has felt so LOOOOONG! I have been waiting all week for Jared to get here and studying for my first lab test.

Pregnancy Updates:

My hips feel as though they are being ripped apart. The baby is SO low and nestling obnoxiously in my hips. 

I have been having just about a million braxton hicks for several weeks now. 

At the last ultrasound, they informed me that our baby is now in the 30th she is getting a little fatter! Yay! I love chubby babies.

My fluid has maintained and the placenta is still functioning but they continue to keep a close eye on her.

My dear mother cut up her wedding dress this week to make baby girl her very own blessing gown! She isn't quite finished yet but it is looking absolutely beautiful. And it means the world to me, that she would make the sacrifice of cutting up her wedding dress, that she originally designed and sewed herself, I might add. I seriously couldn't be more excited about this special gift!

I have finally completed a lot of things on my "nesting to-do list"! This week I reupholstered our baby's changing pad, made pillows to match her quilt, found a dresser cheaper than I originally budgeted for (Woo hoo), and finished my hair bow holder made out of an old oatmeal canister! I feel just a smidgen more ready for baby to arrive. 

Sorry for a million pictures of the same things haha.

They also performed a non stress test after my ultrasound this week. This test monitors the baby's heart rate and movement for about a half hour. The test results were great according to my OBGYN. This test usually tells them that the baby is good for another week in the womb. I guess I will be doing one of these lovely tests every week until she is born! Which leads me to my next point....

The doctor ALMOST promised me that they would be taking her out at 39 weeks. My goal at my next appointment is to get him to commit to that by scheduling an induction date. 

Because she is looking a little better, the cancelled my second ultrasound last week. I was sad that I wouldn't see her twice in one week but happy that they were confident enough to cancel it all together.

Life Updates:

This week I biffed it majorly on the ice. In attempt to not land on my stomach, I landed straight on my hip bone. Poor Alex has had to hear me complain about the pain ever since. 

Monday it DUMPED snow here in Rexburg. After dropping Alex off at work, I found myself getting stuck at every stop sign. HOW embarrassing.

Alex's grandparents were kind enough to give us an old microwave they had kicking around. I can't believe we went almost a year without one! I have been nuking EVERYTHING this week. As i type, I have a hot rice bag by my side :)

Alex has a 12 credit class this semester called IBC. It is where groups of students make up a business and try and sell it here on campus. Alex's group finally decided on their product! The oldest building on campus (Spory) burnt down several years ago. After rebuilding it, the school decided to keep the brick and rock from the old building, but never had a use for it. Alex's group decided to make a plague for all the alumni of BYUI out of this monumental rock. It would be a part of BYUI, that the students could take away as a souvenir. I think it's a clever and unique idea. I am excited to see how it all turns out in the weeks to come. 

My old roommates who are wonderful to say the least, offered to bring Alex and I supper AND dessert this week! I was so stressed about my first lab test and was so stoked to not have to worry about making dinner. They came over with delicious food and stayed to catch up! It was a big blessing in my week. I have such great friends!

Alex used his massage gift certificate I gave him for his birthday. I still can't believe it was his first professional massage! That kid has been missing out. He obviously hasn't been in as many car accidents as I have that result in FREE massages. haha. 

To end off this week...JARED VISTED! He came bearing gifts of soft BAMBOO swaddles. I have never felt something so soft. I love that boy! This weekend has been a blast with him around. I hope he comes back soon...perhaps in 4 weeks, when our baby could be making her first appearance!

This next week, I plan on doing school work, going to doctor's appointments, relaxing, possibly watching the two day Bachelor, and enjoying one of the last weeks I have my husband all to myself :)

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