Sunday, February 10, 2013

love is in the air at almost 36 weeks!

Weekly rant:

With the season of love comes rushing thoughts to my mind. I walk down the grocery isles and ultra sappy Valentines decor crowd every shelf. I think about all the different extravagant ideas I could pull on Alex this year for our first married "love" day. I take a stroll on campus and overhear giddy girls, anticipating their next romance. Then my mind turns to the word it's self. Love. What is love? Is it heart shaped chocolates, a bouquet of daisies, and a card that says, "be mine"? No. Love is everywhere, not just in February. There are so many other forms of love that should be celebrated this Valentines Day too!

1. The love of a extended family. Months pass but memories are made at every gathering without doubt.

2. The love of siblings. My siblings and recent adopted siblings are all wonderful examples to me of love. They exude love to me, their spouses and all who encounter them.

3. The love of a best friend. You love them and they love you through each other's faults and weaknesses.

4. The love of daughter to her parents. My appreciation for my parents on both sides can't even be expressed fully.

5. The love between husband and wife. "Happiness in marriage and parenthood can exceed a thousand times any other happiness." -James E. Faust

6. The love of an old elderly couple who has been together through thick and thin. My grandparents are all great examples of eternal marriages and love.
7. The love of a grandparent for their grandchildren. Often shown through spoiling but really seen through time spent making memories.

8. The love of a mother for her child. I love this little girl in my belly so much already! Elder Ballard says. “A mother’s nurturing love arouses in children, from their earliest days on earth, an awakening of the memories of love and goodness they experienced in their pre-mortal existence,” he declares.  “Because our mothers love us, we learn, or more accurately remember, that God also loves us.”

9. The love of a father and his child. I see this love in Alex as he is always willing and ready to serve me and his daughter in my belly!

10. The love of a leader for those he serves. We thank thee oh God for a prophet!

11. The love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, when He gave His life so that we might live and return to our Heavenly Father.

12. But most importantly...The love of a Father in Heaven, who gave His Only Begotten Son. 


Life Updates:

With our new microwave, I have started to play with all the possibilities. This week we made PEACH COBBLER IN A MUG! It was actually great!

Here is the recipe:

Peach Cobbler in a Mug

1 Tbl. butter (I use Smart Balance)
2 Tbl. brown sugar, not packed
2 Tbl. flour
2 Tbl. milk
1/8 tsp. baking powder
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
1 peach, peeled and sliced

Cook in microwave for 2 minutes. Add ice cream! ENJOY!

My best friend REAGAN came to visit me this week! It was great girl time and catching up. I miss that girl always.

Alex had a hockey game this week! I got to watch him finally. I love watching my man play some good old Canadian sports.

At the doctors this week I got a non stress test done. Doctor said that the results were textbook good :) We have another ultrasound and non stress test tomorrow! Alex is coming to this one! yay!

Our doctor said that he doesn't see the need to keep her in until 40 weeks and plans on taking her out on the 5th of March! Only 23 more days until we get to meet her :)

I made this bow countdown for when the doctor "claims" he is taking her out! 23 days!

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