Sunday, March 10, 2013

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Jade Marie Stevens in a baby carriage!

The morning of our induction.


An angel sent from heaven.

Family photo!


She loves Daddy


The week before labour was GREAT! The anticipation of Jade's arrival was climaxing. The day before induction they checked and informed us that I was 3 cm dilated, 90% effaced, at 0 station and ready to go for the next morning! The night before our induction date we went out to eat together, enjoyed one another's company, took a stroll around the block and then attempted to go to bed EARLY. Alex slept like a baby, while I on the other hand didn't sleep a wink. I couldn't even get a ten minute nap in...I was so nervous. They told us to call the hospital at 5:30 AM to ask when that day would be best to come in. I called anxiously at 5:30, only to find out that they were really busy and would call me back later that day. So we waited and waited until 11 AM to hear back from them. We quickly grabbed our things and headed to the hospital! It took forever to check in at the hospital and finally we were in our hospital room at noon. My doctor came in around 1 PM and broke my water. Contractions started almost immediately. Not fun stuff. My doctor then told me to just let him know when I wanted my epidural. My only regret from this day was not asking for my epidural sooner. My curiosity got the best of me. after an hour and a half of contractions, I asked for the big needle. The anesthesiologist came 15 minutes later. He made a pen mark for where he was going to stick the numbing needle. I honestly thought that hurt more than the needle. He must have been really good at his job because it was practically painless. My epidural started kicking in 15 minutes later. My body was numb and I didn't even feel pregnant. This allowed me the BEST NAP I have had in 9 months. After my hour nap my doctor came in and checked me, only to announce that he could see the head, I was 10 cm dilated and ready to push. The feeling was surreal. Alex and I said a little prayer....only in Rexburg would doctors and nurses respect that. haha. And after 20 minutes of pushing.....Jade Marie Stevens blessed our lives. We didn't even know there was a vacancy in our lives until she arrived. She came out at 6:18 PM weighing 5 lbs. 13 oz. She was 18 inches long and SO ADORABLE. We could not be more pleased with our labour experience...5 hours of labour? I will take it! 

Since her birth we have just been ooing and awing over every little thing she does. We just cant get enough of her! I can't believe I am a Mommy and have the most beautiful daughter ever! Alex is probably the best Dad. He is so attentive and a complete natural. Our little family is really starting and my happiness grows more and more each day!

Some people wanted to know how we came about naming our baby girl Jade. Jade was originally one of our middle name choices. When discussing at the hospital about using the middle name Jade, Alex thought that name needed an upgrade from middle name to first name. Once he decided this, the name just stuck and we were sure...our little girl is a complete Jade. Her middle name comes from my Grandma, Marie Hill and Jade's Aunt Natasha Marie! :) We love her name and continue to come up with all sorts of nicknames like J, DeeDee and Jadey. 

Now since being back at home, it's back to the real world of school, work, night time feedings and watching our Jade grow!

She is so small that nothing I have completely fits her. She is forced to wear onesies that drown her. 

She doesn't quite have a normal cry...we like to call it her squeal. We love our little pig!

We were so happy to hear that Jared was coming to visit this weekend! He came bearing gifts! TOO many! He is so sweet! Jade loves her Uncle Jared. 

Jared got a little obssessed with taking pictures of her....
Jade got snuggles and nap time in with Uncle Jared.
We were soooo spoiled! Baby toms, flowers, a pyrex dish AND a visit from Jared!!!

People have been SO kind and generous to us this week! We have had meals and treats brought over every night since she has been born! People have come to visit, spoiling her with gifts and snuggles!

We have family coming to meet her for the next couple weeks and we are so excited to share her with them!

We just love our Jade Marie! <3

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