Friday, March 1, 2013

Last pregnancy post for at least a couple years! 4 more days!

Life updates:

Alex and I went to Idaho Falls this week for an internship interview for Alex and then to do some errands. I FINALLY got my name legally changed to Stevens on my social security card! So nice to finally get that off my to do list. PLUS it feels so great to be a Stevens officially ha. Alex's interview went well but we are more hoping for a Utah internship! 

Alex left to Utah yesterday for more internship interviews. I am so sad he had to leave just days before our induction date but it's got to be done. We are excited to see the opportunities and adventures ahead next semester. I am ultra paranoid of him travelling without me, I just couldn't help but get a travelling check up on our car before he left. I had to make sure our car was good and ready to go! I am so sad without him but I have been able to get a lot done in the mean time. I have deep cleaned the entire apartment, organized our storage room to perfection, got ahead in my school work and started redoing my cookbook and adding recipes. Let's just hope that I stay pregnant while he is gone. I can't wait for him to get back tonight!!!

Pregnancy updates:

Here are my last pregnancy pictures! This picture was taken today at only 4 days from our induction date on March 5th! I can't wait to have my body back!

This week at my doctor's appointment they did another non-stress test and everything looked great on baby girl's part. They are starting some procedures on Monday night to ensure I am ready for induction on Tuesday morning! Only 4 days until the birthday of baby girl!

This week I sewed some outfits for fun! One is for a gift and the other is for keeps :)

Alex and I went shopping and got a cute coming home outfit for the baby. 

I went and visited a friend and her newborn. I can't even believe how in love i was with him. I can't wait for my own! 

Alex and I continue to go on nightly walks and all the while I have constant contractions. I hope my body is getting closer and closer to LABOUR!

My Mom finished sewing our baby's blessing gown this week. She took apart her wedding dress that she sewed herself 30 years ago to make the blessing gown. It is BEAUTIFUL! She is so talented and thoughtful. This gift means the world to me! 

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers this coming week! Next post will consist of baby pictures GALORE!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe how good you look!!!! WOW
    So excited for you to become a mom. It truly is the greatest job in the world:)
