Thursday, March 28, 2013

busy busy busy!

 This past week has been very eventful to say the least. So much has been going on that now that it is over our house feels empty, and days have returned to our normal routines.

Alex gave a beautiful blessing at church on Sunday that made us all cry and Jade couldn't have looked more precious. My Mom did a fabulous job on her dress and Jade behaved perfectly. Jade received her blessing this past Sunday but Alex and I received the best blessing we could have imagined on March 5th, the day Jade entered our lives. Alex and I have become that annoying couple that is obsessed with every movement and noise our daughter makes. We just can't get enough. 

This week we got out mine and Alex's baby pictures to compare them with Jade. I have a hard time seeing much of me in her quite yet. She is all daddy for now!

This is me as a baby and child...

 This is Alex....

And now Jade...

See...alllll Alex! 

My mother in law came to help us out for a week. She camped out in our living room on an air mattress with no complaints. She even took Jade for a few nights so we could catch up on some sleep. It was glorious. Tina (my mother in law) and I just spent our days watching movies, eating and playing with Jade. It was so relaxing and fun. I am so glad she came and I was so sad to see her leave.

I was able to do several things this week that wouldn't have been possible without our super babysitter, Tina. She pushed me out the door to the Relief Society Birthday party and Alex's futsal championship. Both were great and Alex even won first place and a t shirt. I was in such a rush to not make Alex late for his game that when we got there I looked down only to discover that i put on two different shoes. Alex seemed to think it was pretty funny and luckily no one noticed. I have a feeling this is just the start to many forgetful Mommy moments.

The rest of Alex's family came this past weekend for Jade's baby blessing at church. It was a full house or should I say one bedroom apartment haha. It was loads of fun and Jade got spoiled with cuddles and kisses.

We all went out for lunch at Wingers and the waiter gave us free dessert for celebrating the birth of Jade. Stretching the rules a bit but no one complained.

I have finally gotten out my box of pre-pregnancy clothes. I don't even recognize my body anymore. Alex and I have been working on fattening me up. Hopefully I will fill my pants out again...because right now I look like a 10 year old child. Puking and diabetes for 9 months really put it's toll on me. So for now I am enjoying my milkshakes, doughnuts and fried foods.

Alex's sister Jenny, took tons of pictures of Jade for us before she left. I was so excited about this because after seeing the turn out of our engagement pictures she took, I knew they would be keepers. I can't wait to see the end results!

Speaking of Jenny....she is almost ready to vacate her baby girl from her stomach. She has one more month to go! I can't wait for pictures, skype dates and eventually holding the little precious in the Summer! Our two girls are going to have so much fun growing up together. Cousins are the best!

Jade has been sleeping pretty dang good for a newborn. At only three weeks, I get up once a night! Pretty good eh? I have even had a couple nights where she slept from midnight until 7! This girl likes her sleep! Don't get me wrong...she has her bad nights where all she wants is to be held and cuddled but for the most part she treats me well at night.

On the day we blessed Jade, another blessing came into our lives...our little niece Oaklyn Anne McGarry! She is pretty much the cutest, don't you think??

We are so happy for Dave and Natalie and can't wait to get our girls together. Cousins all round! Natalie has the most adorable family and her boys will be such great big brothers. I can see they love her already. I loved having a big brother and I think Oaklyn will too! 

I had my 21st birthday this week and it was full of nothing which is what I asked for. I watched tv shows and played with Jade all day and then went out to eat with Alex. We came home to do, you guessed it...nothing. It was great! 

I can't remember if I have wrote about Alex's internship this summer or not? Alex accepted an internship in Draper Utah at Progressive finance. We move there on April 20th, right after a week long visit to Canada! We will be living in Utah until September. So to all my Utah friends....let's party! Yes that means you too Jared Macdonald!

The semester is coming to a close and I am thrilled! So much fun is ahead and everyday is new and exciting with Jade around. Mommy life is so fun!

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