Sunday, March 17, 2013

I love food, NOT being pregnant and being a Mom!

Since I was diabetic during my pregnancy and practically incapable of keeping food down, food now has never tasted better. I eat everything in sight and it feels great!

Having Jade home is SO fun! She brightens my day, everyday. Her sweet spirit is such a blessing.

Speaking of parents were soo WONDERFUL to us this week. They came for the whole week and spoiled us! We were fed well, Jade was given unlimited amounts of attention and memories were made. When my siblings all moved out and I was the only one home for a couple years, my parents became my best friends. They are so fun and thoughtful. I was so sad to see them leave today.

My mom and I finished a lot of fun projects this week including: Nursing covers, a quilt, headbands galore, blessing booties and freezer meals.

We went to a comedy show on campus! It was fun until Jade got hot and needed out of her car seat. Call me a paranoid Mom but I didn't want her out and exposed to that many people. I just hope she doesn't get sick in the next couple days. 

I won my first ever game of monopoly! I have been waiting all my life! Dream come true.

Jordan and Heather were supposed to come visit and meet Jade this weekend but couldn't due to Jordan getting strep throat. Not cool! We were so sad and missed them tons! 

As for updates on Jade...

She sleeps AND feeds really well. She isn't much of a crier but more of a squawker. She loves her baths and kicks and smiles the whole time. She now weighs 6 lbs! The doctor said she was healthy and doing well. We love this little gal!

This week we are just busy with schoolwork and changing diapers. My birthday is coming up next week and I will finally be legal in the States! 

Alex's Mom comes tomorrow and the rest of his family comes this coming weekend for her baby blessing. We are soo excited to have them here and to share our beautiful little girl with them. Our families are truly fantastic!

As I write this, my husband is doing the dishes and our baby is snoozing away....why am I so lucky?

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