Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Updates on the husband.

Alex could NOT put his soccer shoes aside for even a couple months and begged me to find him a soccer league to play in while here in Med hat. So finally we found a team for him to play on. Most of their games landed on Sundays so he only got to play in two games. Kind of a disappointment but you gotta be grateful for what you got right? Enjoyable while it lasted.

Alex is really enjoying working for my Dad and his law firm. At first Alex didn't feel very useful but he is slowly starting to feel comfortable. Every day he feels more and more confident in his career choice. Alex and I often talk about how blessed we are to have the opportunities we have. We will always feel like we can't repay my parents for the foundation they have made for us.

Law schools are overwhelming us. We have a big decision to make and a couple options to discuss. Where do we go for 3 years? Many factors fill our mind and cause the struggle to choose. Location. Money. Education. Across border possibilities. Safety. Scholarships. Start date. End date. Cost of living. We decided to make our decision by this coming Monday. We are feeling the pressure to accept a law school, plan and get excited about it.

We both got called into the Nursery at church. We love it because Jade gets to play and I don't have to juggle her around for all 3 hours. And another plus is that those kids are AAAAAHDORABLE! Snack time is a obvious perk.

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