Friday, March 28, 2014

Jade had her first birthday!

Here is a long 10 minute video of Jade's birthday party. Feel free to watch it or skip it! But I will say, she is too cute for her own good.

We took her swimming to celebrate her birthday!

She has mixed feelings...

This girl LOVES cheerios. So I couldn't not give her a cheerio cake.

-2 naps
-Bedtime at 7 PM...SHARP haha (Some of you know how crazy I am about bedtime. It isnt flexible. Not negotiable.)
-Finally mobile! Crawls everywhere and climbs onto everything.
-A master at stairs.
-Loves music. She dances whether music is on or not.
-21 lbs
-Loves her Birthday present that grandma and grandpa got her! It's a walker/car. Seriously best toy ever.
-2 1/2 teeth with many looking to come.
-Loves nursery. With our new calling at church being in the nursery, Jade has enjoyed every minute. Snack time is her favourite.
-Likes: cheese, music, crawling, baths in the kitchen sink, being chased, skyping, greek yogurt, peas, cheerios, water, milk, Grandpa, Stairs, necklaces, my nose (OUCH), her car seat, shopping and her walker/car.
-Hates: people leaving the room, snot sucker, getting dressed, Grandpa going to work, diaper changes, and the hours between 6pm and 7pm.
-Says: Ta da, dad, dada, mama, mum, Mommy, Daddy, Ya, wow, eee eee(what a monkey says), uh oh, up, ow, wow, yeah dad, baba, happy, and baby.
-Does: puts her hands in the air for "Ta da", stands, crawls, climbs, dances, baby sign language for "more", waves goodbye, blows, sniffs on command (thanks to bath and body works), shakes her head, nods her head, blows kisses, and claps.
-is 12 months and a couple weeks.

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