Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Almost halfway there!

I thought this week I would confess my pregnancy guilty pleasure...

A HUGE diet/caffeine free soda. I sadly indulge in one of these puppies SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK. In my defense, it's my remedy for my constant upset stomach. It's funny, I’ve NEVER been a soda drinker, always a water fan. Oh well, what ever gets me HYDRATED and HAPPY right?

 The best part of this whole week was the beautiful miracle that entered the world. AUTUMN KATHLEEN KING. Brittany and Jason were blessed with this perfect baby girl on Sunday, October 14, 2012. I previously referred to her as "Evelyn Israel King"...but when it came down to naming her, Autumn just felt right for them. And it couldn't be more perfect for her. Alex and I couldn't be more excited because this is our FIRST niece and she couldn't possibly get cuter. She was born 7 lbs 1 oz and is a cute addition to their family don't you think? 

{Here comes an OVERWHELMING amount of pictures...sorry...PROUD AUNT}

Our little girl and Autumn will be the best of friends...I just know these things.

This past weekend we went with our friends, Skyler and Lindsay, to the HAUNTED STRAW MAZE! We experienced the following...
-Being scared
-Getting lost...very lost
-Getting tired and crampy...okay that was just me.
-And finally...jumping for joy when we finally made it out.

This week has been filled with school and SOCCER. Alex had two games and what felt like practice EVERYDAY! It was however really fun to watch his games. Alex's team has had an overwhelming amount of injuries. I'm just glad Alex has managed to avoid this trend, apart from the typical soccer bruises and blisters.

This week is a GREAT week because...

1. I listened to the BYUI devotional and I heard exactly what i needed to hear.
2. I'm currently sippin a soda.
3. Our house smells like melons and cake...thank you Scensy.
4. Alex had a soccer game tonight.
5. I finally picked up my guitar...it's been a while.
6. My husband is overwhelmingly perfect.
7. I was reminded this week that I have such a great family support on BOTH sides.
8. Music has inspired me today. but not just any music...CHRISTMAS MUSIC!
9. I discovered a sale on peanut butter and jelly granola bars. 
10. My cousin Jared decided to come out of his dark hole and PHONE ME! Love that guy!
11. We got to skype our new and only niece tonight :)
12. Alex and I started a "Bourne" movie marathon. One down...three to go.
13. The people who park next to us at our apartment complex finally gave us enough room to open our doors! haha

I hope our little girl is as passionate about music as Alex and I are. These girls are 11 and 7 and very talented.

Lennon and Maisy

Well we are almost HALFWAY there! We can't believe it! I love feeling her move around. She likes to let me know that i am NEVER alone. Love her.


  1. Fun!! I drank sooooo much pop too! Helped a ton with the sick prego tummy! Autumn is the cutest! Can't wait to meet your little girl too.

    1. haha i'm glad i'm not the only one. i was starting to feel guilty :)

  2. Don't worry, Tiffany. I drank at 32 ounce diet coke or diet mt dew at least 4 times a week throughout both pregnancies...and I think both my babies turned out great! Anything goes during pregnancy; you're growing a human for goodness sake! Good luck.

    (ps. Sorry for the blog stalk. I'm one of Alex's friends from WL. I've never met you but you're cute and married to Alex so I'm sure we'd be friends in the real world, too.)

    1. haha...this blog is open to friendly stalkers. I've never met you but i've heard about you so that kinda counts right? I am so glad to hear other people drank soda too. I'll feel less guilty today when i go get another one...ha
