Monday, October 8, 2012

The Gender Verdict of Baby Stevens Number One...

Today was MAGICAL! We got to see our little "____" move around, wiggle and kick. I knew this was happening already because in the past week I am certain I have felt movement EVERYDAY! I know those of you who actually read my blog are dying to know the BIG QUESTION....

                          BOY OR GIRL??!?





Yep, it's true. Despite my predictions of her being a boy she is definitely a GIRL!

She cooperated perfectly.

She's turned but look how cute her little hand is.

Look at the definition! haha... Must have Alex's legs.

These pictures always scare me but she's a doll.

And alas, the profile....

I was sincerely expecting a boy so I made the ultrasound tech check twice to make sure. It hasn't quite hit me yet. This morning my Mom and I went baby shopping and I bought my first "fun" purchase. 

I still can't believe i'm buying pink...

The nurse said she was a healthy weight of over half a pound, putting her in the 62% tile for babies (50 being average). She's slightly chubby and we love it. 

This week has been way too much fun! We had a GREAT Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner. Heather cooked the turkey perfectly and Jordan really did try to make "Hill Salad". {Just kiddin, Alex is still talking about how good it was}

Conference was as expected...wonderful! I love being a part of and watching such great revelation be given by our Prophet. It was great to watch it with some of Alex's side of the family. I left with a list of things I want to work on.

The BYU football game was oh so fun to watch! My family loves football and being there is a blast! My Mom and I really wanted to paint our nails for the occasion kinda like this...

But who would have known {brown nail polish} was so hard to find.

My Mom brought me all of her scrap material from years of sewing. Most of it involving girl colours so lucky me! I can't wait to get some projects going for our little girl. 

We ALSO got a FUN package from Momma Stevens!! It was filled with fun goodies, date money and a couple important things Alex and I forgot at his parent’s house in the summer.

Having my parents here this week has been exactly what i needed. I ate a gross amount of food and laughed ALOT! I love those guys! I can't wait until Christmas!

As beautiful as today was there is some bitter news...Brittany's due date is today and still no baby Evelyn! We are all praying for her safe arrival any day now!

To do list for the week:

~Go to the temple
~Start a sewing project
~Skype Brittany's perfect baby girl!..when she comes this week!!


  1. I am so excited for you guys. and thanks for sharing your cute blog!! hope the pregnancy is going well! you are BEAUTIFUL!
