Friday, April 3, 2015

37+ weeks and 9 days until induction

Last month was BRUTAL here in the Stevens's home. There was so much to do with so little time. Alex was writing and preparing a paper that was worth 45% of his grade. Then after he finished that, he was forced to prepare for a "moot court" at the end of the week, which is essentially pretend court. They are given a case and a side to defend and they duke it out in fake court against their other classmates. A "judge" decides who wins and you are given feedback on your performance. I can't imagine doing this as I hate public speaking. Poor guy, but he got his feedback with no suggestions of improvement. He even passed with distinction! It's an award that only a few receive in his entire class. My man is court ready :) We also decided to take on a project that turned into a time warp. We were given a kitchen table by a dear sister in our ward. It needed a little tlc but the material itself was solid and I was excited for it's potential. We have had a two person table since being married and let's just say I have been loathing it for quite some time. You could hardly fit two plates on it and when the missionaries came over for supper, we were bringing out lawn chairs and bumping elbows. We knew we outgrew the table and were just too cheap and busy to figure out the solution. But this table came out of nowhere and seemed too perfect with 4 chairs and two extra leafs for expansion. Alex helped a lot for a while on the refinishing but as it got closer and closer to his moot court he could only provide company while I sanded and painted and painted...and painted. Sanding is the complete worst, am I right people? My pregnant back was so mad at me. We are proud to say we have a new family supper table! We even like the way it looks, thank goodness because it was a lot of work! Family dinner is important and with a new addition coming in just 9 days and a brand new two year old, we can no longer get away with couch eating haha. Earlier in the month I went into false labour. Alex was finishing his big paper that day and I was too terrified to mess him up by telling him I was having painful contractions, so I waited until he stepped in the door that night to deliver that news. Alex walked in the door to see me doubled over in pain. I had been trying to calculate how far apart the contractions were but it was difficult because a lot of the contractions were in my back and were not what I was used to. All I knew was that they were happening frequently, they hurt real bad and I could hardly stand or move. We called my doctor who was at the hospital and she told me to come in. I left to the hospital by myself because Jade was sleeping and we couldn't just leave her. I was sure the baby wasn't coming that night but that they probably just needed to stop the contractions. I don't know why I knew, I just did. So in between contractions I drove to the hospital. lol. They hooked me up and confirmed I was having legitimate contractions. I was dilated to a two and they wanted to see if I would keep dilating. I didn't. Therefore, false labour. They hooked me up with pain medication and sent me on my way. The pain stopped and I have had a couple more instances like this since but I just take the medication they prescribed, take a bath and shortly after, it all stops. I think the table project pushed my body too far...kinda pathetic but true. They are also monitoring baby boy twice a week via non stress test and ultrasound because his abdomen is smaller as well as he is just smaller in general. They were waiting for two consecutive weeks in a row that he didn't grow and now are taking him out 8 days early on April 14th! Jade was small too and they watched her closely as well. She turned out perfect so we aren't too concerned until they tell us we need to be. We are just letting them monitor him and we will worry when and if we need to. I'm loving all the extra sneak peeks at his cute face though. Insomnia is in full force right now unfortunately. I can't stop thinking. And baby cannot stop moving!

Alex's sister Kelly got her mission call last week!!! It was so fun to all video in to hear her find out where she is going. She got called to serve in Guam, Micronesia starting August 12th of this year! She will do amazing things, this I know for sure!

One of my friends here in Michigan threw me and baby boy a baby shower a couple weeks ago! It was the most sweet gesture and I can't thank her and those who came enough! She made cute banners, decor and food. It was fun to celebrate this new child that will soon grace us with his presence! He was spoiled and we can't wait to dress him up in all his new attire! I think we are getting close to being ready for this baby finally!

I wish I had a before an after shot of the table..but I only remembered to take a picture of the final product.

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