Friday, April 3, 2015

Jade Turns 2

We just finished celebrating Jade turning two....TWO!!! On her birthday, she had a play-date with a friend in the morning and after nap we took her to McDonald's. We got her her first burger and let her play in the germ infested playground. She was IN HEAVEN! We love our big girl and can't wait to give her a sibling! Then this past weekend we celebrated with friends for her birthday party. She is just a little obsessed with Minnie Mouse, so I couldn't help but make the theme all about her favourite character. The party was so much fun despite some mishaps that still haunt me. Poor Jade ate the flame on her cupcake instead of blowing it out because her pregnant, brainless mother thought she knew better. Then minutes later that same mom lit the candle again to get a "good" picture and watched as her daughter turned her pigtail into the flame. Yes, it was legit up in flames. Luckily I can still put her hair in pigtails but the one side is slightly shorter and it makes this momma so incredibly sad. Jade opened presents and enjoyed every ounce of attention she was given. She received, a stuffed puppy, kinetic sand, playdough, a magnetic drawing board, a doctors kit and she also got a potty doll in honour of her potty training success lately. It has taken a lot of sweat and tears on my part to potty train her but we can now say she is home potty trained. She can't be trusted in public, other people's homes or during nap-time and bedtime but during the day she is a complete pro. I'm not worrying about nap-time and bedtime until she slowly does that on her own. I can handle one diaper a day until she can do that. I will however have to start working on the public places training because I would love to drop her off at nursery without a diaper and go do errands without having to change her into a diaper. We are so blessed to have sweet two year old Jade in our family. She is growing up so fast. She can now say complete sentences and surprises me everyday with a new one. She will say stuff like, "Mommy, open this please, thank you", "Bye bye Daddy, love you", "I want _____", "I went pee in the potty, yay", "I'm sleepy", "I'm cold", "That truck is blue" and so much more. She also babbles a lot. I can make out certain parts of the sentence but I know there is a lot more to it that i'm just not understanding but they get more and more clear each day. She knows a lot of colors,shapes, animals, their sounds, songs, and more. It's an amazing stage we are getting into and i'm loving it. 

Jade's favourites:
Her potty
Minnie Mouse
Bubble Guppies
Learning time with Daddy
High fiving
Singing let it go
Her blanket 
Pretending to sleep
Brushing her teeth
Dancing with Mommy
The mail
Holding hands
The library

Jade's dislikes:
Wiping her face
When you don't understand her, this causes extreme melt downs :)
Being told no
Having accidents. She doesn't have them much anymore but she used to scold herself. "No yucky, gross, pee goes in the potty", "No candy"

Jade's personality qualties:
Not shy

I can't imagine what another year with Jade will bring but I can't wait to see. She is constantly amazing me and blessing our lives.

For a video of all Jade's birthday shenanigans…here is a link..
Birthday Party


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