Monday, April 13, 2015

A Letter to My Son

Well my thoughts are turned to you baby boy. I can't sleep lately. Nausea, insomnia, excitement, mixed with your jabs and kicks have me up..thinking. Your birthday is just one day away and your Dad and I have been busy preparing for you! I have been cleaning, taking care of your sister, complaining about bed rest and dreaming about life with you in it. Your Dad has been studying every spare minute he has. He has been working himself hard at school. His dedication to school, shows me his love for our growing family. It's inspiring to watch him magnify his role as patriarch and provider of our home. You are about to enter our lives and I pray we are ready for you. I pray we are ready to teach you all the things necessary for you to fulfill your purpose here in this life. You are special, not just to me and and your Dad, but to your Heavenly Father who loves you deeply. I feel his love for you daily, as I pray for you, waddle for you and prepare for you. Before I was a Mom at all, I wondered what the first meeting between child and Mother would be like. I could not have even imagined how spiritual the event of a birth of a precious child could be like until I experienced it for myself. Your sister is completely unaware of your soon to be permanence in our home. Yet, I know you will melt her heart instantly and become her pride and joy, as she watches you grow and learn. The moment our eyes meet, I hope you feel my unconditional love for you. I hope it is engrained somewhere within you, so as you grow, you never doubt you are loved. I hope you know your Dad and I will do everything in our power to be THERE for you. As parents we do have some choice in how much we are THERE for our children. My son, I promise you, to always be THERE for you. To always cherish the disappearing time I have left where you are all mine, before you venture off and become your own family man. Thank you for being a part of our family. Thank you for making me a mother of a son and for allowing me the growing experience and inevitable learning curve I will soon encounter. I pray that you are mindful of the male examples you are blessed to have around you. I pray that you inherit, learn and strive for their God-like qualities. My son, you already have made me proud, by deciding to come to this earth, to learn how to be happy through God's plan of happiness. This life is for learning and striving to do better each and every day. God's atonement is real. Because of him, we can make mistakes, repent, try again and be happy. You will not make perfect choices all the time while you are here on earth, but you have the choice to start again through repentance. Your Mother is not perfect. You will see me make less than perfect choices and experience life just how God planned, with ups and downs. I hope I can show you the road to happiness by how I choose to react to the challenges of life and turn my faults into stepping stones toward our Heavenly Father. The road to happiness has to be earned. I can't wait for you to start your amazing life story. You amaze me already. I'm about to meet another one of my eternal best friends God has blessed me with! We are so excited to meet you! And remember to be nice to me tomorrow.. 

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