Friday, April 3, 2015

My heros..otherwise known as my parents!

My parents are pure gold in my opinion. They can do no wrong. They always follow the spirit and know just when to come to the rescue. This pregnancy has been hard. Being sick, having a husband in his first year of law school and being there for Jade all at once has been difficult. My parents both sacrificed so much this past week by sending my Mom down to visit me. My poor Dad had to stay home and work and couldn't come join the fun. My parents hate being a part and don't do it very often, so I know how much they love me by separating for a week. My Mom has been worried about my health with these pregnancies and volunteered to come down to help me prepare and relax before the arrival of our second child and ease Alex's work load around the house so he could focus on studying for his finals. She didn't waste anytime and got straight to work..poor thing. 

She woke Jade up with a "healthy and balanced" breakfast in bed! :)

She made over 50...yes 50 freezer meals for us!

She cleaned and organized every square inch of our house!

Helped me set up the nursery that I have just been to ill to consider finishing.

She even found time to spend quality time with Jade, eating burgers, making easter cookies, playing with toys, chasing each other, playing outside and cuddling.

She babysat and sent Alex and I off on a date for my birthday! When we got home, there was my all time favourite dessert glistening on the counter. I spent the rest of the week replacing meals with pieces of cake :)..but not just any cake..German Chocolate Inside Out Torte!!! 

My parents have way more to prepare for right now than me but always end up putting us kids first and trusting the Lord will prepare the way.  Thank you so much Mom and Dad for leading by example through service, sacrifice, love, charity and support! Words could never fully capture just how much you mean to me.

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