Friday, April 3, 2015

Oaklyn's 2nd Birthday

My little niece, Oaklyn turned 2 just 3 weeks after Jade did. We were so excited to be invited to come celebrate with her and their family for the occasion! It was fun to hang out with my equally pregnant sister and watch our kids play and make memories. My sister made a cute Ice cream themed party that didn't disappoint! The kidlets loved all the sugar, party hats and decor! We had a dance party, opened presents and had a great time! Jade LOVES her cousin Oaklie! They will be life long friends and I can't wait to see what each year brings to their cute little friendship. In this video, Jade is either really jealous that the party wasn't about her this time or scarred from her birthday song when she ate the flame on her cake instead of blowing it out and caught her pigtail on fire. Either way, it makes for a really funny video. Oaklyn is just too much cuteness to handle! Happy Birthday Oaklyn! We feel so blessed to live so close and to be able to celebrate these moments with you! Keep shining sweet girl!

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